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MOVESET OF THE DAY: LOWBLOW Part 1- BBW Female Wrestler Only

I don't know if you all noticed but I really really love lowblows, it is one of my favourite moves and I want to make a mini compilation of just that! Seeing how creative people in my fanbox is, it's only natural I am curious to see what you all will come up with! So starting off, I would like to start off the mini compilation with Female Wrestlers only first. In later posts I intend to include Female and Male of BBW, Female and Male of RR and Female and Male of UA lowblows! It's gonna be a long one hehe ^^

Extra rules:

1.Victim have to be Female Wrestlers

2.If comments before you already recommended the wrestler you wanted, you'd have higher chance picking different wrestlers as I would prefer to draw multiple girls ryona instead of one character getting lowblow over and over. So please pay attention to existing comments.

3.Opponents may be Male or Female Wrestlers

4.Wedgie, Groin Claw, Rope, Weapons such as chair,ladder,TV are considered lowblows [as long as it's not a weapon that will induce bleeding or cutting like a knife]. Breast attack are not counted as I think it's better in a separate day for that :D

5.Non Wrestling settings such as Kitchen-Parking Lot-Bar-Office-Living Room are allowed so you may go creative on this end as long as visual reference are provided ^^

6.Insertion of weapon or of gen-talia into anal/vagi-na are not considered lowblow at least for This Day. Basically this isn't a sex move.

7.Art may be unsimilar to the comments a little bit if the ideas are really good but not fitting the idea of The Day.

Rule for suggestion:

-Please follow the theme, if today's theme is Maogiri please kindly stick with it.

-Comment not following these rules are not entertained

-Please take no offense if your work is not chosen as I will be using randomizer or my own preference.

-Characters available: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ImPQ8ANkwNQ1dlxMigzVRYxISMPRHbAr?usp=drive_link




Ch3ryl leans tired on the top rope facing towards the audience and from behind Cirrina swings a kendo stick between her legs into her crotch to low blow her which makes her orgasm

Pedro Villacort

Charlend is the victim, Amaranth the victor!! Amaranth behind charlend as charlend is handing over the ropes, facing the crowd as amaranth kicks her groin from behind repeatedly, charlend passing out as thr match ends! Hope that makes sense?


How about Hootie on one knee, giving Lamna a crotch claw


Ultra Aries being ambushed by a trio of Neko kaiju from behind, Aries forced to do the splits over some building wreckage as her crotch, boobs, and thighs are clawed up by the wily Kaiju animals as they toy with the rookie fighter.


for now BBW Female Wrestlers only, Ultra Aries Female will be available in later days ^^


Keeping it simple. Anra hitting Patty with low blow. I feel like their height difference would let Anra easily hit Patty where it hurts with a straight punch. The context is that Patty underestimated the boy and gave him a free shot at her. An action she quickly came to regret after learning Anra could hit surprisingly hard.


Chang Yue getting hit with a Shattered Dreams by Shark lady mayhaps?


Alright lets see what we got here... Also awesome art as always


Umashi w/ Nix VS Bovinda Bovinda gets set up in a handicap match. She is being restrained and potentially fucked from behind by Umashi (alternatively he could just be dry humping her) while Nix hits her with a groin claw


Maleoni VS ??? - Isolated incident Someone out there has taken upon themselves to attack and torture female members of the BBW where and also when they are most vulnerable. The first victim happens to be Maleoni, who was found almost immediately after the incident occurred Image reference - look at the last image in the pixiv post. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/97016306 If you want to draw the incident happening rather than the aftermath, I will let you choose who is doing the attacking.


Maleoni VS ??? (continued) Forgot to add, if you want I have also an image reference for if you decide to draw the incident as it is happening. Just refer to image 88 of the pixiv post https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/107376933


Charlend vs Maogiri - Accidents Happen! Charlend is standing precariously over an object at home (can be a chair or a tv) when Maogiri accidentally makes her lose her footing and fall crotch first onto said object.


Vana VS Fleur - Pent Up Anger In the middle of a match, Vana's disdain for Fleur gets the better of her as she pulls the bat woman with excessive force against the ring post, crotch first. Over and over again despite her cries and pleas for mercy.


Amaranth VS Aogiri - A Cautionary Tail Refer to the youtube link below https://youtu.be/m4RFtqdvekc?t=103


Titan VS Lamna - Four Arms equals Four Blows Lamna got hit with a low blow four times by Titan, and now all she can do is cup her beaten groin as she holds back the tears.


Aegil w/ Kurozu VS Patty - Fly-by Slaps Patty gives both Aegil and Kurozu a groin slap as they fly past her (either figuratively, literally, or both)


Are we allowed to do a concept with a sex move and low blow at the same time?


Hootie vs Titan. Titan is keepting Hootie's arms spread apart with one pair of arms, lifting her up into the air, while his other pair of arms go to town on delivering low blows. At this point, Hootie is well past the point of passing out and has squirted from the intense punishment.


The images all look lovely! ^^ As for the low blows, I'd love to see either Vana or Maleoni be the victim of a denkianma! I think it's one of the more unique low blow moves, but if you don't feel like it, I'd also love to see a good ol' crotch claw, since they are my favourite! ^^


Atomic drops are always fun, but what about an atomic drop on an object like a short fence or the turnbuckle? As for a character, maybe Hootie or Chang Yue?


Bovinda is knocked out in a surprise attack in the showers by Bora and Umashi. They both strip naked along with her as Bora facesits Bovinda and attacks her groin with a flurry of punches while Umashi assists by lifting her ass up with his dick to give a better view of her vagina for Bora. Optional: Bovinda is forced to breath in Bora's fart through her nose as her mouth is stuffed with his dick reference:https://us.rule34.xxx//images/6947/ba80b19f866a5cd7cd496056f2883a79.jpeg


The Demonlitionists commit a simultaneous groin attack doing a groin claw (Nix), kick (Umashi), chop (Patty) and wedgie (Bora) on Aegil, Hootie, kakoo, and Kurozu. The Image shows their groins being punished in each corner while the center of the image shows the aftermath


match idea 1. charlend & amaranth (or aogiri) vs titan & bora (or patty or maogiri) reference 1 : 1st page 2nd cut of this. lock down ladies limbs and punch or slap their vagina. https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/99637605 reference 2: 2nd page 3rd cut of this. similar, knock down ladies and pulling their hair, punch or slap their vagian https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/99637605 reference 3 : 1st page 2nd cut of this, jump from the post and elbow drop to their vagina https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/87488036 match idea 2. charlend & maogiri (or titan) vs patty & bora reference : 3rd page of this. jump from the post with charlend, and throw her vagina to maogiris dick (or titan) https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/72807674


match idea 3. charlend & Bovinda (or amaranth) vs bora & patty both ladies tied their arms to wrestling ropes, or tied with ducktapes. their lower body is naked. bora and patty low blow their vagina with extrema hot sauce. Ladies clit and vagina swollen because of low blow and hot sauce. Ladies almost lost their mind with pains, open their mouth and sticked out their tongue, eyes rolled out back, but their nipples errect. match idea 4. amaranth (or charlend, bovinda, it would be great if it becomes tag match too) vs titan and dolphy. girls hand tied with ducktapes from behind. titan lift girs with two hand, strangling her neck. other two hand of him spread her leg. girls pussy is at the top of wrestling ropes, and dolphy pull ropes downward and release it like slingshot, ropes hit girls vagina. It could be more harsh if boys put iron pipes on rope for crush girls vagina. girls lower body could be naked, or just fullbody naked.


match idea 5. amaranth & bovinda (or charlend) vs patty & bora & musse ladies tied their limbs to ropes, legs are spreaded. patty and bora swing golf club to their pussy, and girls almost lost their mind, eyes become pointless. girls crying and sreaming. musse hold decibel meters to girls mouth, and measure girls screaming loudness. bora's girl scream more loudly, so musse says this time his win. girls naked or half naked. bora and patty wrote their scores on girls chest or abs, with pen.


Chang Yue axe kicks a downed Leafy right between her legs hard causing Leafy to spit up from the pain.


and im sorry to write too many comment looks like spam, but kazetanuki's low blows will be good reference, i think. Victims, I think Charlend (or Amaranth / Bovinda) will be good. beautiful and strong girls. Opponents I think Bora (or Dolphy / Titan) willb e good. References are here : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oVAdmLHgqhXX9LOi3WOf8wkPcxu4qBma/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ektIVxAV43rOM9TRX6nNVje8h4vgFEMD/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y-zhBS2cdzFoWIJ_oHYQ9MEJ7wq1iYcz/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pCiJKdfa_A_IuDOeoIwa0RMzkeUad0R4/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e8GgGMVI921xNUAICstLKd4SQMi41ZAg/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/13kF6pOtOp6pCaYzOM2KMEBUFlXqBSku5/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GSp_onzjLWegGWCY3SOLDmCevN8WrRXP/view?usp=sharing