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Good News

I didn't get covid so it wasn't that bad, I will also post Titan Day with a project I'm want to start with you guys that spans for three weeks. So I will work slowly but eventually will be posted on fanbox along with the "new day"

Also thanks to my girlfriend and friend working with me on Maogiri vs Bora, the progress went as fast as 11 pages in a week though the speed might also be because of the simplicity of the pages.

Bad News

Welp, I caught a cold, i think the extreme hot-cold weather have done me sick so I will take a bit of break and time to get Titan Day done inch by inch and day by day. It wasn't really extreme yet so I will take the time to make sure it doesn't become to severe while I can. If i posted the work on the usual schedule then it'll mean I got better :D

Because I will be going on a vacation to Japan on 1st december till 14th, there will be no updates or post available on those two days except maybe some blogs about my trip (if you are all interested?) and some sketches I will be doing for fun. If anything I will schedule some maogiri vs bora pages in advance so let me know what you guys want for the two weeks of absence from my end.

I hope you can all be patient with me while I'm being really slow as usual and thank you all for supporting despite my speed of working.

-Arsonic (this post will be deleted on December 14th)



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