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So here are the results from the feedback survey I previously posted. Anyways on to the results.

Feedback Summary:

So with these results I was really happy to hear that an overwhelming majority (95%) of you want me to continue developing the game! (⁀ᗢ⁀)

What I really found interesting was that most people seemed to have liked the Nurse/daughter spanking scene the best. I feel that this is in part due to the fact that you can make your own choice for that scene and it had decent audio to compliment it. Needless to say, in the next version I hope to add more player choice spanking scenes like this.

In the next version I am also going to attempt to make another (Interactive Spanking) scene in Day 2. This time I want to try adding some sort of choice system and different implements to the scene for variety. I will also see if I can add in an (automatic mode) for those of you who just want to view the animation and not repetively click a button.

Lastly, on to the results of the final question. So this question had an interesting distribution of answers. As we can see the option for me to prioritize developing the game over making animations [75/25]% came out on top. However there is still a good portion of you who want me to spend time on both equally and some who want me to prioritize making animations. Since the game is still in it's early stages, I think that a fair compromise would be for me to spend time on both equally [50/50]%.

Game Development and FanBox Tier Updates:

With that said, I have already started development on Day 2 of the Kana Sensei game. Going forward I plan to alternate between posting about the game, and posting animations. I have updated the FANBOX support tiers which now also includes access to game polls, [WIP Sneak Peek] for the game, and Beta Testing for each respective tier.

Release Date:

As for a release date on the next version, this is very difficult for me to predict since I'm the type of person who doesn't enjoy deadlines and would rather let my work speak for itself. However I intend to aim for a July release date for v0.3. This is subject to change of course since there are some factors I can't predict such as bug fixes which are very time consuming to fix.

Anyways, this post already has already gotten a bit too long so I'll end it here. I will be keeping the survey active for another month or so to give new supporters a chance to provide some feedback. More posts about the game to come in the future. Thank you!

Kana Sensei v0.2.1 Feedback Survey

そこで、v0.2.1の発売と同時に、ゲームに任意のフィードバックアンケートを入れることにしました。これは、ゲーム開発とアニメーションの制作のどちらを優先させるかを決めるのに役立ちます。ありがとうございます。 言語は、アンケートの右上にある言語ドロップダウンボックスをクリックして変更することができます。 S...




I like that we get to be a part of it with the surveys! I'm looking forward to the rest of the game Kana!


Next I plan to do a character selection poll for one of the spanking scenes.(^ω^)