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So I decided to try making a spanking game in RenPy! I thought that it would be fun turning some of my animations into a game. This is an Alpha version and is just a proof-of-concept. I have not decided whether or not I want to pursue this actively yet. I thought that this little pet project would be fun to share with those of you who continue to support me at this tier. Anyways please keep in mind that this is just a test game and I am sharing a very very very early build of the game. There is currently no forced ending in the spanking scene so when you are finished you can just click the exit door button to end the scene. The game does have sound.



Kana Sensei 0.1 Alpha Changelog:

- 由比のスパンキングシーンを追加しました

- メインメニューサウンドとスパンキングサウンドを追加。

- キャラクターセレクトメニューを追加。

- 4回叩くと赤尻のエフェクトが発生します。


- テキストやセリフを追加した後、日本語訳を付けたバージョンをリリースする予定です。

- おしおきするキャラクターを追加。

- おしおきシーンの最適化。

- 校内マップの作成。

- 今後のおしおきシーンの一人称視点対応。


- 由比スパンキングのシーンでスタッター効果(修正するためにシーンを再度レンダリングする必要があります)。

- サウンドの同期タイミングが少しずれている可能性があります。

- ファイルサイズがかなり大きいので、次のビルドでは、ゲームサイズを小さく保つ - ために、すべてのアセットを圧縮する予定です。



Kana Sensei 0.1 Alpha Changelog:

- Added interactive spanking scene for Yui.

- Added main menu sounds and spanking sounds.

- Added character select menu.

- Red butt effect occurs after 4 smacks.

Future Plans:

- After I add more text and dialouge I plan to release a version with Japanese translations.

- Add more characters to spank.

- Optimize the spanking scene.

- Make a school map.

- Add first person view support for future spanking scenes.

Issues in Current Build:

- Stutter effect in Yui spanking scene (I have to render the scene again to fix).

- Sound sync timing may be a bit off.

- File size is pretty large so in the next build I will start compressing all the assets to keep the game size small.

- I will try to remove the forced button block in between smacks in the next build. Currently set to around 3 seconds to give time for the animation to loop correctly.




Nice Try!! looking forward to later^^


Ok first of all, fantastic start Kana. I'm a big fan of Hgaming out there in many different genres including spanking games. Truth is there are not a great many spanking based Hgames out there. Many that do exist are found at AOTK or spankingrpgs.com. That being said, you are filling a niche and a need. Second, has anyone run into a situation where their tier was reset by pixiv without any attempt to change on your own part? I was set at the 1000 yen tier at the beginning of January (and have been since last July), but it seems I must have been set back at the 400 yen tier this month even if I didn't ask for that. I went to access this game and couldn't! All fixed now, but it's quite curious! While it's an early release, ***SPOILER ALERT** I'm enjoying it enough and loved when "spank her" was the only of three options! As for the size, I wouldn't worry about compression as much as I've downloaded games from 40 to 60 gb (and some even more) over many years.


Compression is always appreciated, though, but I must ask if you have the capability or willingness to do a linux version too. Fret not, I do have a windows system I can use, but I predominantly use linux these days. Your bar of work is always quite high, Kana. I enjoyed it and will look forward to seeing more. I will say that it would likely take up an inordinate amount of time out of your artwork schedule which is already a part time gig. One friend, and even myself, once spent 10-15 hours a week on a game and the audience wasn't happy with the progression. It's fairly difficult to achieve that work-life balance that satisfies everyone especially yourself.


Happy to hear that you like this concept. I wasn't sure whether or not this is something people would even be interested in since it is just a pet project for now. As for a linux version, RenPy supports building a version for it automatically so in the next release I will include it. This current version took me about month or so with only a few hours spent per week. Most of which was spent learning how to use RenPy. I'm still not sure if I plan to pursue game-making actively. My current plan is to just reuse scenes from past works with different characters so that I can cut the development time down. For now this game isn't a priority of mine but we will see.


This is awesome! Very excited to see how this unfolds!


Absolutely loved what we have to enjoy so far! While I wont speak to understanding anything about the difficulties of coding, I would definitely love to see this further developed!


Thanks! I still have a lot of things to fix and hash out before I can add more to it but one step at a time I suppose.