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what about dropbox


I've always wondered why folks ask for alternates over Mega. I've always got 5 or 6 mb per second there. I do use a vpn, but bitdefender sells me unlimited vpn for $30 CAD for the year (plus $40 for the virus bit). The one mirror I did always look to see if it was offered was Nopy, but it seems they hung up the digital towel late last year. Anyways, was just curious. Your sound editing is getting better and better Kana. I will say the animations, props, and settings are second to none out there, Kana. For you, the real improvements will be found in new methods and effects. The other way is inventive and out of the ordinary choices for storylines. To me some of the quirkiest and off the beaten path ideas you have come up with were the ones I looked forward to the most. The rent-a-girlfriend gif from way back when comes to mind off the top of my head. I believe the gravity and physics effects are especially important to you. While you might think Kana in Oppai or Shion.....


...in Shion's job were my favorite using physics as the benchmark. While I love all of your attempts to depict realistic physics in your animations, I have a few favorites where I think you hit the ball out of the park so to speak. Sena in Loving Babysitter and best seen in the the Kobato POV Rear Low Naked animation. Perverted Girl with the nurse and her daughter in the animation Nurse Daughter Naked animation. Other times it was the unique positions and the unique situations or methods you employed during your animations. The Weeping Elf Extended gif you produced near your inception is a good example of that as is Sena and Kobato in the Loving Babysitter or Wet Bottom. Not only did weeping elf, wet bottom, and Loving Babysitter have wonderful aftercare cuddles, other factors like cornertime or scolding poses (or crossed arms, finger wags etc) found their place. So too are things like unexpected things like role reversals such as ones found in Haruka and Keiko parts one ....


and parts two. Or that whimsical mischief as found in scenes like Oppai with Kana becoming the prey. Or sometimes it's even the positioning with the petitie Gaur Gaur hanging by her sharkytail (thanks for no song lol, but secretly would have giggled a sh*tton if if was used lol). Or the position found in Wet Bottom or bathtime spanking in the way back when. So wonderful with the closeness and the skin to skin contact in all the bestest ways. As are the sensual aspects of Darkness reward and the yuri theme. Most of all it can often be found in scenes where someone is spanked by someone you might not expect as in Forbidden Magic Book where the guest was spanked by her BFF's mother or in the Bad at Karaoke scene. Or the punishment game of cards that ended in spankings (and in that case also resulted in a reversal which I hope you employ more often too....far too many spankers, including the namesake of the site, get too big for their britches missy ;)


In other words, you tick a lot of boxes Kana. It's why I stick around to see what you will do next. That's uncanny and uncommon these days, Kana. I do hope, however, that many missed opportunities get tackled (but Rome wasn't burnt down in a day) and you get back to continue certain scenes. Far too often peepers get away with it in your scenes. I do secretly wonder if you are a voyeur yourself (hey aren't we all since we are here in the first place). Other ones like the rent a girlfriend beach scene had so many possibilities too! Imagine renting a companion for a movie outing and having to march her by ear to the cinema bathroom or even just draping her over the front of your seat wheelbarrow style! Or march her out to the car for an OTK with her bare bum facing the front windows of the store! Or a scene of ladies listening to you spanking the bad companion in the bathroom of some fancy restaurant :) The possibilities boggle my mind, Kana, and I've always tried to.,...


share those with you as I come up with them. While you think of all the girls you could draw from anime to spank (and it sounds like it's a long waiting list) so too is the potential stories you could tell. And you could always tell them as you have with the quarrelling sisters as in the the most recent Revenge / Demon Slayer series. I think you know I'd love to see Yukana, Sena, the Elivsh mother, the Nurse Mother, Darkness, and the Rent a Girlfriend in a scene in a special club :) Anyways, I guess I'm saying I'll be sticking around to see what comes to pass :)


Thanks for the kind word! Yes while the list of spankees continue to grow, I still plan to occasionally revisit some of my favorite characters and past scenes. I still think I need more practice when it comes to adding sound but I am starting to get the hang of it. Adding sound has kind of replaced the time I would usually spend making role-reversals or character swaps scenes. Additionally since I try to find audio to fit a specific character, I didn't think that reusing it with another character would sound right. Maybe I'll consider it in the future.


I love this one. I always liked seeing touhou's get spanked. I do hope at some point we get to see the big strong yokai's get taken down a peg, like yuyuko or yukari.


There is no shortage of Touhou characters for me to choose from so I have a feeling that they will be back. 。^‿^。


It's nice to see touhou girls get spanked( and want to see more). Good job.