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  • MultiCam.mp4










--------アーティスト・ノート / Artist Notes-------


I don't have a plot description for this one. This is just a short animation I really wanted to do. I recently started watching the anime and wanted to animate these 3 girls getting a spanking. The blue haired one especially needed it. Even though it is short, I hope you enjoy the variety. ;p

<3 Kana




What a great way to wake up on a Saturday morning! I find that I can be at a disadvantage as I don't follow Japanese anime, but I'm always glad you provide the character names so I can find out a little about them. I really enjoy bathroom scenes, but I wouldn't worry about not having a plot description. I'm sure many of us will imagine our own too. The models are great and your motions are becoming quite streamlined, Kana. Some of these views are fantastic. I'm not sure I"m fond of the last gif's perspective from behind and up through the legs. I can see why you wanted to get all of them in a video. It does seem to me more and more that anime girls just have a cuteness that drive us to spank them :) Job well done, Kana.


The fire eyes effect was absolutely adorable! Is that new to this program? Once again you've given us a cute scene with a cute cast and you've shown us a bunch of lovely angles, and the little swap of characters around was a cute touch! I'm finding all the physics in motion - breasts, butt, hair - leading to some really good scenes that have not just your amazing animation touch, but great flow that help emphasize impact and flow and I think you really chose a great upgrade to your program! Plus, bathroom scene with cute girls, you know how to pick a scene for us. ;)


Gotta ask, why'd the white/light blue haired girl get away scot-free? :-)


Thank you! Yes, there will be views/angles I take that I'm aware some may not like but I really enjoy providing variety so that everyone can have their preferred view. I appreciate the honest feedback! <3 Out of the 4 girls, the white-haired girl was my least favorite so far, so I skipped her from the spanking. That may change after I get further into the show. ;p


Yes, the fire eyes is included in the program but I never found a good place to use it yet. I thought that it would fit perfectly in this scene so I went ahead and did so ;) . Bathroom scenes will always be one of my favorites since there is no need for clothes <3 . So this is a theme I will be revisiting again. Thanks!


Hehe good to know. Oh it's not that I didn't like it I guess, just not my favorite. And of course you need to cater to everyone. Like I've said before, if we all floated the same boats it would be a boring day at sea :)


Thank you. I do like trying new things since it also gives me new opportunities to learn more about the mechanics of the software I use. So it gives me more ideas for future works. I appreciate your openness!