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  • Yukana_Spanking.mp4
  • Spanking_Peeper.mp4
  • Yukana_Naked_Multi_Cam.mp4
  • Yukana_Naked_Spanking_Top_View_Bonus.mp4
  • Yukana_Naked_Spanking_POV_Bonus.mp4








-----------説明 / Description-------------


Yukana Yame thought that no one would notice her if she hid in the girls locker room to skip class. Kana always keeps a close eye on her students and ended up searching the whole school for her. After Yukana was found, a well deserved spanking was needed.

--------アーティスト・ノート / Artist Notes-------


For the POV version, locking the camera to the head made the animation unstable and caused some clipping. I ended up having to move the camera slightly further up to capture everything correctly. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this animation. It was a lot of fun to animate!

<3 Kana




Le sigh. Yukana. Where have you been all my life? I really enjoyed several of the views, Kana. Often in spanking erotica and artwork, creators often neglect the overhead view - but not YOU! OMG I always love this view in all things naughty, but also like the one where you are just peeking over their heads and just glimpse the twin mounts on the horizon as they are being swatted poste haste! If I had one criticism - and I tend to always keep things like that to myself - it's the use of similar or identically looped reactions to spankings. I realize this is more efficient, but if I had one nagging realization it would be that. The smacking of the tootsies was handled very tastefully too. I like that you give us a smidge of a story nugget with it too. My parents got off easy - I skipped only one day back in Oct 88 to see U2's Joshua Tree at Maple Leaf gardens in Toronto. While I didn't hide in a locker, I did smoke my fair share of marijuana while skipping.


....if only Kana had been in Toronto at the time, it might have turned out very differently. *Visualizes Bono and the Edge slack jawed as they stop mid song to watch me dragged over a lap of a buxom, be-pink sweatered Kana right in the middle of the mosh pit* But I digress. You are getting much better at reddening too, but I hazard to say that maybe it might be happening a smidge quickly. I also realize they aren't particularly long animations so it's tougher to legitimate the transitions, but just a thought. Naked top view bonus was likely my nirvana. I might watch that.....a lot. While I'm doing my taxes. Squee factor eight. *Plans on fashioning lacy black bras with extremely faulty clasps that pop apart when exerted upper body muscles flail about in the act of spanking naughty little Yukanas - then offering her lots of gifties!*


Yeah my commenting tends to be a bit verbose, but usually only to those creators that are making such a concerted effort to not only entertain and excite, but also to tease and otherwise drag one's audience into the what ifs and what abouts. You have a natural gift of that talent, missy, but I see Yukana's arm pinned at the end of the animation. A while back you released your unused images and one in particular caught my eye. At the end of the elfish mom scenario, I saw the alarm on the girl's face as another straddled spanking was about to happen a la the nursing mom's 2nd spanking while her BFF had to listen. I think you know that one had a special place in my heart and....other places.....I do like two or three or four stage spankings. I hope you might consider them.


All in all, I'm tickled pink you would take on this Yukana project after a simple comment after the panning video. I'm quite flattered you jumped right on that bandwagon, Kana. Thank you.


Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. For the reactions, I tend to just make my animations for just one run through. The additional views and lack of clothing in them are just slight variations but are still using the same spanking loop in the end. In Koikatsu, making the animation itself is the longest part so after the animation is done, I enjoy re-filming it from various views so that adds some variety and doesn't require going back to change the animation for a different shoot. And yes, the reddening phase is tough to make realistic since my animations are not long spankings in the traditional sense. I personally enjoying seeing every shade of red available in an animation and since it is anime I can bend the rules of reality just a bit ;) . I will keep in mind that the top view was a favorite. For the elf family and nurse mom, they are characters I still need to work on recreating. I plan on bringing them back sometime in the future. <3


So many angles to choose from! That was a very interesting sight from every choice, thank you for all the options! And just as expected, same with the blocking hands swat, the smacks on the foot were appropriately lightened verses the fleshy bottom so it doesn't seem harsh or severe at all, just Kana-sensei taking care that her students aren't actually hurt by a 'real' smack if they struggle a little too much. The tan lines were a very interesting and cool detail to give more character to a 'rebellious' type girl, and it seems like you really have the jiggle physics down perfectly by now! Appropriately bouncy with of course some anime fanservice in there, not complaining about that! But I know you were experimenting in the past so I wanted you to know you improved quite a lot! I do wonder if that peeping girl there is going to be noticed by Kana-sensei's watchful eye at all, since she does tend to know everything that goes on with her students. ;) If you'd like to continue that is!


Thank you! Yes, I didn't go too over the top with the jiggle physics this time but will always vary them depending on the girl. I imagined this student had a more firm "figure" to put it mildly so I wanted the jiggles to represent that a bit ;) . The peeping girl was the random whim I decided to add in this scene. Since the girls locker room is a high traffic area I figured someone had to be watching :p . She may or may not be noticed but at least it gives me the option to continue this story in the future. <3


Yes, we do have to suspend our disbelief with so much in anime :) I like it that way though. Seriously though, this was top notch!