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Base Pic(日本語版): https://tonde-itte.fanbox.cc/posts/1143647 ======================================================= Stretchy Uni "Hmm, that's pretty good." In his own room, Donnie looked at his reflection in the sight of himself in the dark blue unitard he'd just bought. and nodded. The glossy, stretchy fabric stretched against Donnie's body, working out and rising up. The silhouette of the muscles seems to be lifted and emphasized by the sheen of the fabric. The sheen excited Donnie. Donnie is a member of the college weightlifting team.  His body is covered in powerful muscles that have been trained in daily workouts, and Donnie is such a He was proud of his physical body. And he made a hobby of wrapping his body in tight-fitting clothing. Tight-fitting uniforms, head-covering rubber suits, and patterns that look like American comic book heroes. The colourful fabrics that wrap around his body, such as the cosplay suit, seem to add colour to the ridges of his muscles and Donnie buys all those things and hoardes them in his private college dormitory closet, and sometimes he'll put them in He put it on and stood in front of the mirror and basked in the pleasure. It was by chance that he found that product - "Stretchy Uni". The unitard he was using in club activities was starting to wear out, so He went to a sports shop and bought a new one. Donnie went on holiday to buy one. He noticed a grocery store I've never seen before, and when it had sporting goods, he went into the store with the intention of chilling out I'm in. All of the products were stinky, but the selection was great, and even the unitards were placed It was there. Then he found "Stretch Uni". 'It's give unlimited flexibility to you!' What's that, Donnie thought as he looked at the catchphrase, but he could see it through the vinyl of the package. The glossy, latex-like fabric fascinated his eyes.  And Donnie found himself heading to the register with two dark blue and red unitards in his hand. ============================================================== The smell of rubber wafted from the stretch unis that had just come out of the package, and Danny knew that the tight rubber uniforms were probably not the best for actual exercise. But unexpectedly, the stretchy uni was more comfortable than he expected.  The moderately cold, stretchy fabric is just the right amount of tightness to squeeze your muscles, which is oddly comfortable. The snug, absorbent fabric has minimal wrinkles and does not impede Donnie's movements. It looked like. Donnie poses in front of the figurehead and takes a selfie with his phone.  The sheen shimmers over the silhouette of his muscles as he moves, and Donnie runs his fingers over it.  Donnie had been rubbing himself through the various fabrics to get his arousal up, but the stretchy uni gave him a very different kind of tactile experience. After loving his image through the mirror for a while, caressing his hand and savoring the tactile sensations, the part of me that was wrapped in the dough began to feel somewhat itchy. It's not an unpleasant sensation, but rather it feels like his cells are impatient to move his body. And Donnie had started doing some light preparatory exercises. When he actually moved his body, his body seemed to move more energetically than usual. It made the movements he was used to doing swing bigger, sink deeper, stretch bigger, and before he knew it, the light preparatory gymnastics had shifted into a full-blown warm-up. My body warms up, but the stretch uni remains moderately cold and he don't feel steamy from the heat. But on the other hand, Donnie had a strange feeling of discomfort. His body seemed to move too much. And the unitard remains cold, but instead he feel a cold sensation as if something cold is slowly seeping into his body. But he didn't feel like stopping the body. Donnie crossed his arms over his head, closed his eyes, and tried to perform a flexibility exercise that would cause his upper body to fall to the side. The familiar stimulus that stretches out into the muscle on the other side of the fallen man's body. He can see the angle of his body bending a lot more than usual. The stimulation continues, but he don't feel the breaking point that he should always feel. He think he can still take the body down. Eventually the stimulation will fade and disappear, and the body will still bend. And when the elbow of his crossed arm above his head hit the side of his shin, Danny came to himself and opened his eyes. "Wow!?" Danny couldn't move, his mouth snapping in surprise at the upside-down view and the fact that his feet were right next to his eye level. His hips and lower abdomen arched gingerly as he ignored the bones. The torso covered with a glossy rubber unitard, together with its oddly elongated shape, doesn't look like a human torso, but it looks like a toy rubber doll or something... but underneath, there should be a torso made of Donnie's hard bones and flesh. "Wha...?" Danny wobbled and shook his head, but tried to return his bent hips to the other side. The torso shrank back into the normal shape of Danny's body as if nothing had happened. "What the hell..." Danny rubbed his belly fearfully, and he felt that it was indeed his belly.  The ridges of muscle he was used to touching felt oddly soft, but there was something even more uncomfortable about it. It came from the feeling of touching the skin directly, not through the fabric, but He is oblivious to the Then Danny looked in the mirror and realized with a start. The unitard would have been orthodox at first, with the hem up to just above the knees, the top open from the shoulders to the armpits, and the collar band over the shoulders. But before you know it, that rubber extends below the knee, and the upper half of his body has sleeves, as if he were wearing a shirt. It took me a few seconds to realize that Unitard was gradually expanding its territory. He could see the edges of it slowly widening as he looked in the mirror. "What's with the unitard?" When he is clearly aware of it, the skin just underneath the area where the fabric is spread is itchy. When he grab the edge of it wildly and pull it off, the rubber fabric stretches long and limp.  And at the same time, Donnie was experiencing the sensation of his very skin being stretched. The expanding rubber was simultaneously assimilated to Donnie's skin. It didn't hurt, but when he let go of his hand with a small gasp of surprise, the skin that had fused with the rubber contracted vigorously and snapped back into place, and Danny shuddered at the stimulation, taking a strange pleasure from it. He had a gut feeling that this was erosion. Something like cold rubber assimilates with the skin and even burrows into the interior of the flesh, no muscles, nerves or bones at all. There was a distinct sense that he was about to be remade into another substance ... rubber. But the erosion was accompanied by a strange exuberance. The new meat that had been rebuilt seemed to have a powerful energy within it. He had a feeling that it was going to be something great. The muscles rose even more powerfully and the sheen dancing across the surface looked beautiful. ........but it's just as frightening. He couldn't stop the physiological disgust that he was trying to be something of a rubber.  Danny fought back, pulling this way and that, washing it with water, but it didn't slow the erosion. Eventually he reached Danny's mouth. He closed his lips tightly, but the rubber coated its surface. That's where a different change occurred. Mmmm... mmmm...  As the top and bottom of his lips eroded, they fused together like a fusion, and his mouth was gone. And at the same time as the mouth is eroded by the cold rubber, the space in the mouth is filled with the rubber and melts. Eventually, as the tongue melted and mixed with the substance, it seemed to narrow to the back of his throat. In the meantime, the erosion of the face goes all the way to the nose, which melts and disappears, as does the mouth. He can't breathe like this! Donnie pulled his mouth this way and that in confusion, but the missing mouth and nose never returned to normal. But strangely enough, it wasn't hard to breathe... or rather, Donnie hadn't been breathing for some time originally. When his torso was eroded, the organs in his body had already dissolved into soft rubber lumps and disappeared. The hand sinks into an eagle grip that presses against his pecs, feeling the powerful elasticity of the hand as it sinks in and out. He almost wobble at the touch and the pleasure that comes from it, but he regain his bearings, but that's not the point. He can't feel his heart beating. Donnie panicked and wildly tugged on his chest as it was, and his entire pecs were stretched out like bread dough, and he still returned the feedback of how good it felt. Donnie stretched himself messily in the confusion, his mind tossing and turning in waves of fear and pleasure as he was aroused by the pleasure of each bouncing sensation. Eventually, the dark blue rubber eroded into those eyes as well... and his vision was closed off. ========================================================================= For a moment, he thought that he might have passed out. The fear and confusion he had felt earlier was gone, as if his brain had been reset. And quickly and naturally, he regained his vision. The hands held in front of me were dark blue rubber to the tips of his fingers. There are no claws, no fingerprints, no wrinkles, and the sleek surface is reminiscent of an artifact that is not a living thing. Then Donnie looked in the mirror and was astonished. 'What's becoming in my body?' Donnie meant to say that. The mouthless body didn't generate human words, but instead vibrated around the throat, buuuuuut. and a low engine sound was created. But the vibrating sound was a hint of emotion. Donnie's entire body was completely assimilated to the dark blue rubber, glossy and shiny. And the head is assimilated to the top of the dark blue rubber, like the head of a mannequin, eyes The face had no nose, mouth, ears, hair, or anything else but a beautiful, plump, curved face. But strangely enough, Donnie could see himself through the mirror, smell the rubber and hear the sounds outside the room.  There was a sense that he was completely rubberized, even inside his body, but Donnie still seemed to be able to live and move, and his five senses were still intact, and his senses felt rather acute. And he can feel a strange, omnipotent and liberating feeling rising up from inside his body. When he tried to extend his arms, his forearms and two arms were cloaked in muscle that had escaped the yoke of the joints and bones that were originally there. It is elongated, wiggly and free to move like a snake. He would have felt uncomfortable with the feeling earlier, but now it felt unexpectedly free and pleasant. And fun. Then he suddenly looked at his crotch. It's like they fused together with their genitals wrapped around each other when they put on the unitard, with a round mass bulging out from between their legs. in. Is it gone by any chance? He rubbed that lump lightly, dubiously... and in a moment, the overwhelming sexuality that ran through his entire body from there. Donnie's whole body rippled languidly with pleasure. A series of low vibrating sounds sounded. It sounded like someone who didn't know anything about it would be somehow groaning with pleasure when they heard it, he felt. Maybe. Donnie's reasoning was petrified by the pleasure. It was such a shock to me that he would have passed out from shock if he had remained in his unassimilated human brain. Five fingers stretched out like tentacles to reach out and roughly squirm up and stimulate the mass between her legs. It wiggles and reshapes itself like a super flexible rubber ball in his grip, but it doesn't hurt and gives him an even more intense stimulation. Given. And Donnie's gauntlet came off easily. She rubs her whole body, caressing and toying with it, limping with one free hand. There were no limits to the indirectness or stretching limitations that should be present in the body, nor was there any fatigue in the new body. The very same Donnie is now free. He try to twist his hips around and get too much momentum and make them do two and a half turns. As it is, he rolls his upper body down and stretches it out, pressing his face into his muscular, full-bodied buttocks. It smells like gum and tastes strange at the same time. It tasted like rubber, but now it felt so sweet, and he stretched his legs out to enjoy it even more, his he stomp on the back of his head. The toes on his toes, unlike the ones on his hands, somehow melted together and became shaped like he wore socks. However, it is fun to sink into the back of the head again. He can understand the silhouette of his feet moving languidly inside his face. The sensation of moving freely through a soft body was something that he understood naturally before he knew it. Arms, legs, torso, head, and buttocks can be freely stretched, strung, banded, and intertwined with each other he could. Every transformation was fun and every scrape was pleasant. The shock from the single strongest crotch mass seemed to be the best thing he could feel every time he felt it. Donnie thought he had been enjoying his new body for a few minutes, but in reality, several hours had passed. And by then, Donnie's throat - though it was hard to tell where it was from the tangled mass of rubber - was not the only thing shaking and vibrating all over his body, but he was emitting a vibrating sound. Just then, there was a sudden knock on the door of the private room and Donnie's intertwined body jumped with a jolt. "Hey, Donnie, can he see that magazine you lent me the other day, now?" My unassuming friend is twisting the doorknob and trying to open the door! In a few moments, Donnie ran his eyes across the room, looking for a place to hide, and then, halfway through untying himself, he dove his entire body into the empty cardboard box and folded it up. "Isn't he there?" Just as his whole body was settled, his friend, who is also in the weightlifting club, walked into the room. Then he looked around and picked up the red stretchy uni on the floor, which he hadn't yet opened. "Oh, he got a new uniform... Is it rubber? " Inside the cardboard box, Donnie was squeezing himself tightly, but he also enjoyed the pressure, and he endured the squeezing and pressing his crotch and face against each other to keep his voice from escaping.  But the acute skin sensation made Donnie feel his friend pick up the stretchy uni outside the cardboard box... and at the same time, a fierce desire to be there. I want him to wear it, and I want him to have what he's wearing! The desire to push morals and reason aside excites Donnie, and then he tries to get him to act. Carefully, as if being manipulated and not making a sound, Donnie stretched his fluttering limbs through the cardboard gap to his friend...



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