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● Dev Note ● Althought it's not complete, Boss fight finally has been added. As Boss's HP UI is not ready, Player won't be able to deal damge to the boss, so clearing boss is not possible for now. Also as I testing the Boss fight, I felt it's diffuculty is higher than the intention. Unnessasarily hard when you don't know every move that boss can pull. My next task will be balancing the difficulty as well as other boss related contents. So next official(?) update will be focused on the completion of the boss. After that, I'll revisit the whole area and try to make this project to be more game-like. ===========================[ Patch Note ]=========================== [Requirement & TroubleShoot] https://applepopsicle.fanbox.cc/posts/2061211 【Update list】 ┬ PipeLine Boss has been added! but for display only. ├ BossRoom is placed in the most bottom-right part of the Pipeline Area, blocked by the Waterfall. │ (Waterfall can be stopped by controlling the Flow control system, which placed at the top of the facility.) ├ As Boss's UI is not ready yet, Player will not be able to deal damage to the boss, thus cannot defeat the boss. └ All Boss related animation will be available however. └ Instead of usual hit effect, Boss will trigger distinct undress animation for each hit. └ Boss will trigger HScene by hitting player with no clothes. ┬ Pipeline:Map_7~10 has been added. ├ As Boss has been added in this update, path to the BossRoom also has been added. ├ Slime themed bouncy platforms will be introduced. Jump higher with these platforms to reach the top! └ Changes caused by Flow control system will make differences in the area. Currently, the only interactive change is the waterfall blocking the way to the BossRoom. Other interactives might be added in the future. ┬ HScene loading system has been changed. ├ As Boss's new HScene needs a lot more layers to be played optimized, loading system has been changed. │ Thanks to the new loading system, file size for HScene has been greatly decreased └ All the previous HScenes are still relying on the old loading method, but It will be changed time to time. 【BugFix】 ┬ There were number of critical issue make player can't progress further. ├ Player couldn't reach to the top of the facility (map9), as player gets teleported into wrong point of the map, with the locked input which makes player keep moving to the one direction. ├ Player couldn't safely go down from the top of the facility, as player gets teleported to the very end of the map, makes player falling into the pit forcefully. └ Player would stuck in jump pose when falling into the pit while jumping, makes impossible to jump afterward. ┬ There was a critical issue on Saving algorithm. ├ Gens could've been vanished after re-launching the game. ├ Gens could've greatly increased by falsely loading the savefile. ├ Even after player clearing the slime to unlock the Elevator, by relaunching the game player couldn't use the elevator as slime remains. and slimes are can't be cleared ever again. ├ Savefile Backup system to prevent SaveFile corruption worked only once when Savefile written for the first time. └ Death made all the progresses disappear to the point where player saved the game for the last time, by loading the Savefile instead of saving it. ─ Jump boost gained by Elevator didn't wear out, stays forever, makes player jump higher or lower than usual. ─ Sometimes Elevator gate in Map6 didn't render properly. ─ Sphere remains when displaying the HScene. All the Issues above have been resolved. 【Hotfix 2024-03-13】 ─ Jump prep motion for PipeLine Boss has been changed. ─ Dash motion for PipeLine Boss has been changed. ─ Player N1 Attack Effect has been changed. ─ Animation Position Error for Player N1 Attack has been changed. ─ Fixed an issue where player freezes in jump animation when stop to input to jump at exact frame. ─ Added QOL function for when the program gets left & right input simultaneously, to pick newly pressed side. ─ Player will get slight momentum when she stops while moving. 【Hotfix 2024-03-15】 ─ Fixed an issue where Bouncy Platform in PipeLine:Map_7&8 doesn't interact with player. ─ Adjusted Reaction level of Bouncy Platform in PipeLine:Map_7&8. 【Note】 ─ Text in BossRoom remains until all the component of boss fight is ready. ─ Way to go up to the top of the facility is not very intuitive in current state. It will be fixed afterwards. ─ Landing SFX is falsely triggered when player starts elevator while on top of it. ─ When game resolution is changed in option, the change doesn't applied to the game instantly. It will be applied normally after exiting the pause menu, and will not cause any problem in gameplay. ==========================[ パッチノート ]========================== [システム要件 & トラブルシュート] https://applepopsicle.fanbox.cc/posts/2061215 【アップデート】 ┬ PipeLineのボスが追加されました!…が、まだプレビューみたいなものです。 ├ BossRoomはPipeLineエリアの一番右下へ配置されており、普段は滝で塞がれています。 │(滝は施設の上にあるFlow Control Systemを操作して防ぐことができます。) ├ ボスの UI がまだ完成していないため、プレイヤーはボスにダメージを与えることができません。したがって、ボスを倒すことはまだできません。 └ ただし、すべてのボス関連アニメーションは戦闘を通って確認することができます。 └ ヒット時通常のヒットエフェクトの代わりに特別なアニメーションが再生されます。 └ 服がいない状態でヒットするとHSceneが再生されます。 ┬ PipeLine:Map_7~10が追加されました。 ├ 今回のアップデートでBossが追加されることによって、BossRoomへの道も追加されます。 ├ スライムをテーマにした新しいプラットフォームタイプが紹介されます。プラットフォームを使い施設の上を目指しましょう! └ Flow Control Systemによる変化はエリア各所に適用されます。 現在プレイに影響を与える変化オブジェクトはBossRoomへの道を防ぐ滝だけですが、他のオブジェクトも追加される予定です。 ┬ HSceneロード方法が変更されました。 ├ BossのHSceneを効率良く再生するには以前より多いレイヤーを必要とするため、新たなテクスチャーロード方法を作成しました。 │ これによりHScene再生に必要なファイルサイズが大幅に減少しました。 └ 以前に作られたHSceneはまだ昔のロード方法を使いますが、今後時々更新されるよていです。 【バグフィックス】 以下のバグを修正しました。 ┬ ゲームの進行が不可能になるいくつかの致命的な問題がありました。 ├ プレーヤーがFlow Control Systemが配置されているマップ(Map_9)に入ると、入力が固定されることにうえ、変な位置へ移動され、上に上がれなくなる問題があります。 ├ プレーヤーがMap_9から下がるときずれた位置にスポーンされ必ず穴に落ちる、安全に下がれない問題があります。 └ プレーヤーがジャンプしている間に穴に落ちると、リスポーンされるときジャンプポーズをしたまま固定され、ジャンプできなくなる問題があります。 ┬ ゲームセーブアルゴリズムに致命的な問題がありました。 ├ ゲームを再起動するとGenがなくなる場合があります。 ├ セーブデータを読み間違いGenが増加する場合があります。 ├ エレベーター機能解除のためにスライムを処理した後でも、ゲームを再起動するとスライムが残り、その後にも処理できなくなる問題があります。 ├ セーブデータの破損を防ぐためのバックアップ機能が最初にセーブするときだけ機能する問題があります。 └ ゲーム内で死亡すると、最新のセーブしたポイントまでの進行度がなくなる場合があります。 ─ エレベーターなどに得られたジャンプブーストが時間が経っても消えない問題がありました。 ─ Map_6にあるエレベーターのドアが時々レンダリングされない問題がありました。 ─ HSceneが再生されるときSphereが残る問題がありました。 【Hotfix 2024-03-13】 ─ PipeLine BossのJump prep motionが変更されました。 ─ PipeLine BossのDash motionが変更されました。 ─ PlayerN1状態でのAttackEffectが変更されました。 ─ PlayerN1Attack時に発生していたアニメーション Position Error を修正しました。 ─ PlayerがN1状態でジャンプ後着地するとき、特定フレームでジャンプ入力を中断するとジャンプ状態でフリージングする現象を修正しました。 ─ 左右入力が同時に起こるとき、新しく入力されたキーを基準にプレイヤーが移動できるように入力方式を修正しました。 ─ Player が Clothed 状態で移動中停止するときに、少しスライドできるように修正しました。 【Hotfix 2024-03-15】 ─ PipeLine:Map_7&8でBuncy Platformが反応しない現象を修正しました。 ─ PipeLine:Map_7&8でBuncy Platformの反動感度を調整しました。 【ノート】 ─ BossRoomの案内テキストはBossが完成されるまで維持します。 ─ 現在施設の上に上がる道が直感的ではありません。今後修正される可能性があります。 ─ エレベーターに乗った状態で操作すると、プレイヤーの着地SFXが連発されます。 ─ オプションウィンドウで解像度を変更すると、テクスチャ変化がすぐには適用されません。 ただし、メニューから抜け出しゲームに戻ると問題もなく適用されます。




Experiencing a jump bug on the bouncing platform section. Where clothed you get stuck in the air and naked you keep jumping up.


Tried replicating it, I think it was hitting the bottom corner of a platform when jumping.


Another thing the jumping feels a little too difficult for the bouncing platform right after hitting the second button. It didn't seem like you could even jump that high at first.


Love the boss fight animation and the H scene game over. Very unique and fun.


hay alguin video referencia en donde pueda encontrar la amnera en la que pueda subir al area para cortar el paso de la cascada? (Las cascadas se pueden evitar operando el sistema de control de flujo ubicado encima de la instalación) esta area me es imposible de llegar a ella


You can download it, but where can I see how to run it? Or can you let me know?


What's the password in the "Test zone"? And there's no HScene animation, you can just move the character.


You should Press Key '0' to Activate HScene display mode. More details on this link : https://applepopsicle.fanbox.cc/posts/3987030


After Unzipping the downloaded file, Run the "BIOSE.exe" file to play the game. If you're having any trouble, contact me through the Pixiv DM


Thanks for the bug reports and feedback! - Currently working on other graphical stuff. I'll check the jump bug later. - Intended route for the platform map is, [hit the 2nd button] - [Jump off from the platform (which has the button) to bouncy platform for maximum momentum] - [Jump at correct timing to not lose momentum]. This route is not very intuitive so It's hard to get the same idea as above. The point is to fall from the highest point to get the momentum, instead of keep bouncing the bouncy platform.


So the password is: "Password"...I typed it in but nothing happened, I pressed enter but still nothing


I used password as "password" to show how unlocking HScene display mode works. current password for current version is on this page. https://applepopsicle.fanbox.cc/manage/posts/7257686


I'm leaving reply to get more information about the bug you reported. Can you confirm If my expression of the 'jump bug' is correct? - If player jump and hit head to the bottom of the bouncy platform, player keep jumps instead of bonks her head and starts to fall down. However when time passes, just like jumping without obstacle, player starts to fall.


Sorry, It was the first bouncy platform of the second area with these platforms, I caught the corner of the platform that was above it, causing two different effects depending on clothes status. Clothed, you float mid air, naked you keep jumping rapidly up to the ceiling. I haven't been able to replicate it.


Have experienced the same bug mentioned. Encountered at the bouncy platform stage (To the "E" Interact room). I remembered trying to jump so much and it just occurs?? Bug persists even after exit to menu, did not try entering Test Lab and exiting it. Bug will be gone after hard reset. Have yet to replicate the same bug.