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  • BossHPrev.mp4



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What is developer doing currently?

- Preparing Boss H-Scene data for Implementation.

-(Completed Animation)-


What's different from ver.

- [2023-10-03] 2 types of Undress Animation from Boss has been added.

- [2023-10-03] Fixed a camera problem at Map_10(BossRoom)

- [2023-10-03] Fixed the false trigger on landing animation which happens when player moves to the other map.

- [2023-09-06] Fixed SpawnPoint mismatch bug in Pipeline:Map_8 & Map_9

- Boss now has different types of skills, instead of jumping and attacking randomly

- Boss can change direction while Jumping

- Boss can perform Melee attack backwards

- Boss can Jump multiple times in a row with smooth animation.

- Boss moves towards slighy when it performs melee attack.

- Boss's sliding animation after dashing implemented correctly.

- Boss tends to stays in the screen while Jumping or Dashing




I must say, I never reached the boss. I was stuck in the room with buttons and platforms, I couldn't figure out what I had to do to proceed.


I'll give you a hint. The lower area connected to the elevator has an exit all the way to the right, but it's blocked for some reason.


There's currently a bug makes player to forcefully fall off after reaching the controller map(after the "map with buttons and platforms"), but reaching there is still possible. But regardless of whether it is possible or not, both of your feedback were very valuable. Maybe you've stuck at the top-right buttons and the platform after that. If you push the second button(top-right button), triangle shaped platform will be lowered. falling from the highest platform to the triangle will give you more bounce than before its lowered, therefore able to get inside the fishnet covered area. Apparently, I couldn't deliver the intuitive image to make player to use greater bounce and get through the way. I'll make camera move to capture both 'player' and 'lowered triangle platform' in one screen while standing in front of the button. I'll also slightly highlight the intended path after pushing the button. Thanks for the feedback!


As you can check the gameplay animation at the very top, there are severe bugs in these areas. I strongly recommend you to play it after the fixation of these bugs.


this is looking fun


Looking forward to the porn animation of the heroine and Boos


I don't dare to buy it yet, first ask what the game file means, can I play it directly?


I couldn't fully understood the question but here are the answers. Game is distributed in the form of .zip file, Which contains .exe file of the game. and requirements are included. If game still doesn't run there's FAQ page for that situation. Game only supports PC, windows. No installing process required. you can play instantly by unzipping the zip file, and clicking the .exe file inside.


If you want to check the game works properly before you spend any credit, try to public release version first, which can be downloaded for free.


When will the hentai scene be ready for the boss?


Wonderful! Can't wait to see more lewds of the heroine and the boss. I like the animation where the boss exposes her privates