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[日本語版はこちら] https://fantia.jp/posts/1810382

Last Surmmary post.

I stopped to making this summary animations at week 44. as digging the old files and putting them together properly takes quite a time.

Anyway, during this period, I made protaginst's attack&hit animation, as well as the HScene that's actually used in game. In current version those H-Scenes are not accessible in gameplay, but can be seen in Testzone through the HScene viewer.


Protagonist's hit animation.


Hint of attack animation attempt.

This was the first time that I tried to draw something realistic(not real realistic but you got a point) without using any reference. If there was an AI at this time I might have used it.


A continuation of the Failure HScene that was part of the game.


A continuation of the Failure HScene that was part of the game.

I'm still using the logo made at that time and it won't change anytime soon.



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