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[日本語版はこちら] https://fantia.jp/posts/1810186

Fourth Surmmary post out of 5.

This is the time when I started to make a map. as Characters in this game have thick-uniform line, I tried to match that style so map or character won't pop too much by themselves. I did change the drawing style later by thinking it's not good, but looking at it now, I think has a good unique style.


Finishing movement animations.

[Week32,33 data has been lost]


Design of the starting area. The concept was, monsters are created from the liquid inside the Ampule. The area near the starting point was set as a place for logisgic and storage for those Ampules.


Continuing starting point design. I tried to bring out the dusty, cloudy feel.


Design of the next map. I made it mandatory to jump for tutorial. And since it's an area for logistics management, I tried to made make it wide. though if see it now it doesn't look that long.


In alpha version, with no clothes, protagonist's jump height was lower than in a normal state. I made obstable high enough to block the protagonist with the lower jump, making player to Heal. The liquid seeping through the cracked wall was the healing point.


Animation waking up at the first map. I made an animation for the health display UI at this point.


A map design for an Interaction tutorial area.


I made this simple map shape drawing to use it for a minimap or so, but instead It was used for indicate the development progress in game.




the game looks good and it can be fun, nice work, looking forward to the final product