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The original plan was to make player not able to attack in the 'affected(N2)' state, and to be able to defeat the enemy only with HScene QTE.

But even until now, there's no way to give intuitive reason why Heroine can't attack in 'affected' state without directly explaining about it. And after all, there's already enough pentalty(like delay between inputs, moving speed), so I decided to just make attack in affected state possible.

Unlike other movesets, 'affected' moveset's idle animation doesn't stay static. I had to add few more animation to connect idle animation and attack animation in any occasion.

While I was making keyframe shot for Attacking animation, I fixed the face expression little bit. It's hard to notice it without directly compare it though.

Landing animation time has been reduced too. The one before felt bit way too slow to regain its position.




i like what you came up with but i can’t help but feel its kinda off? the arm movement. can’t put my finger on it the movement makes sense just doesn’t look natural in a way or it might just be me tho


Could you tell me which animation are you referring to? Attack animation on the above, or Landing animation at below?


Can it be listed on Fantia, thank you very much,Because paying at fanbox is more difficult


as Jump(landing) animation is made in a long time ago, It's not strange to feel awkward. I do agree that the animation is very far from perfect, but due to my inability I still can't point out which part has off feeling by myself. would you let it slide kindly :3


As expanding page is not in main plan, It won't be immediate, and can't tell when exactly it'll be ready. It will be very slow process too. though, I can tell you that I'll start to preparing to launch a page on Fantia from January 15th.


I've recently played the game and I can only say that I will watch your career with great interest