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The first intention on Stretcher-N2 animation was very different from its result. the keywords I was excessively obssessed were "showing", "sitting", "leg spreaded".

Just doing linework took bunch of time at that time.

If I thinking about it now, of course it takes time. It's already anatomically incorrect, and still I was keep trying to make it to look right while making it have the same feeling

As I'm keep animating it, I ended up lost intentions and images in my head. then I decided to scrap it, and do it all over again.

This time, I tried not to think of any trivial thing like how transition between animation be like, how keywords should be expressed etc. I just focused on if it looks good.

Fortunately I was able to bring back motivation at this stage.

As animating, adding small detail usually ends up make time that takes to complete animation greatly increased. So I tends to try to make shades as simple as it can but this time I needed that detail.

Without detail animation can't express which direction its arms toward to.

I also tried adding detail on the other parts that can be improved by doing it.

I used to cover the 'orgasm' scene by making it simply twitching. Using that method on this animation, this pose, felt somewhat not enough.

I can't find words to express this kind of movement, anyway I think it came out better than simple 2 frame repetition. It doubled the work than usual, but it looks good as much, I think.

Escape routine was problematic. it took me some time to bring up idea about how can I express 'dominance' feeling over the monster.

As Stretcher is totally covering up the heroines body It's not easy to take control back to heroine. and if heroine act way to harsh on monster, then it will not be an hscene but a execution scene.

I decided to make scene as "give more tention to Stretcher voluntarily". I'm not sure if its keyword expressed intuitively.

- Preview for Stretcher-N2 Animation


- Animation Set for Stretcher-N2 Animation [for 5$+ Supporters]

[with Stretcher] https://applepopsicle.fanbox.cc/posts/5046581

[Nude] https://applepopsicle.fanbox.cc/posts/5046593




I absolutely adore how much effort and attention you put into your animations~ You always end up making them a lot better and hotter. I really can't wait to see more of your work! Please keep it up!


有没有手机版的( っ'-')╮ =͟͟͞͞🏀