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【ChangeLog】 2022-04-01 JST 12:46 : - bug fixed : Game crashes when player attempts to play Failure HScene. - bug fixed : Camera doesn't zoom out when Failure HScene has been finished. - bug fixed : Camera doesn't zoom out when Player dies via HScene. - bug fixed : When player get attacked by stinger, player bounces instead of getting into HScene as described in patch note. - bug fixed : HScene mini game doesn't start on failure HScene after Stinger HScene animation has been played once. - bug fixed : Nude-stage doesn't restore after player save the game. - bug fixed : protection switch doesn't work when player is in Nude-stage 2



I still can't have Stinger-N1, is it only me?


Sorry, I didn't replace the hotfix file properly. It's worked


I don't know how I did it but I got the walk cycle animation stuck when you bump into the first enemy.


Sorry, I'm having a difficult time to checking the specific bug you mentioned. It would be great help if you can provide few more informations. 1) Is 'first enemy' you referring to, 'blob' monster at the left in this animation? https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/84946651 2) If there was extra characteristic of situation, 'like player got knock back', 'stuck in the corner', 'monster was killed', 'attempted to jump, or attack', or something else which was it? If it was just simple as walk > bump > gets knockback while stuck in walk animation, also please confirm.


How do you switch enemy in the testzone? I cant figure it out.


There's no enemy switching function on testzone. It was just for hscene-playing purpose when there was no monster on the actual field. Although, I do have desire to make testzone be more legit, and placing desired monster at desired position is one of them.