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[Requirement & TroubleShoot] https://applepopsicle.fanbox.cc/posts/2061211 【Featured Updates】 - Sound added - menu related. - FailureN3 H-scene Animation added. - Player Nude stage 1 & 2 integrated into one new animation. stage3 changed to stage2 instead. - as integrated, FailureN2 Hscene has been deleted. - transition animation for FailureN1 fixed due to integration. - Added animations ㆍN2_moveset (redo) ㆍFailureN3 【bug fix】 - Fixed game freezing bug when player get damage that makes hp 0. - zoom bug fixed. - Failure respawn bug at Testzone has been fixed. ========================================================================= [システム要件 & トラブルシュート] https://applepopsicle.fanbox.cc/posts/2061215 【Known bugs】 - Player's jump direction at Nude stage1 is not applied correctly in specific comdition 【アップデート項目】 - メニュー画面に連したサウンド追加。 - FailureN3 H-scene Animiation 追加。 - プレイヤーのN3ステータスをN2に変更し、既存のN1、N2はN1に統合。 - 統合によりFailureN2HSceneは削除。 - 既存HSceneのtransition animationを変更。 - 追加されたアニメーション ㆍN2_moveset (redo) ㆍFailureN3 【バグフィックス】 - プレイヤーがモンスターに攻撃され体力が0に変わるとゲームがフリーズする現象を解決しました。 - Hシーンプレイ時に画面がzoomされない現象を解決しました。 - TestzoneでFailureがレスポンされない現象を解決しました。




thank you for your hard work. I will report it because it could not be started even after checking all the above items. "MSVCP140D.dll" "ucrtbased.dll" "VCRUNTIME140D.dll" I get an error that cannot be found. I'm always looking forward to it. Please do your best. It may be difficult to understand because it uses machine translation. sorry.


did you installed "'visual studio c++ 2017 redistributable package" in advance? if you not, please install package and check once more. if same error happens afterwards, I'll send those .dll files. you can also google individual files and download them manually


Hello, I had the same problem as ヒロ above and I tried downloading the dll files. The game still fails to start.


Could you describe more specific how it fails by asking questions below? 1) have you ever experienced same problem before the version 2) does game shut down itself? or stays on black screen etc. 3) does your PC using windows 10?


I also googled about the problem, it turns out all those 3 .dll files are contained in "2015 Redistributable package". and by checking my environment, I do Have 2015~2019 package installed. please try to check if you have that one, and if you don't, try to install it and check again. I'm really sorry that didn't properly check the requirement. if it turns out lack of 2015 rd package is the problem, I'll immediately change the page contents.


here's the official MS site for package download https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads-2647da03-1eea-4433-9aff-95f26a218cc0


The solution presented didn't work. I downloaded the one in the "Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019" column of the URL posted later, but it didn't work. There is a possibility that my own method is bad, so I will try various things.


저도 게임을 켰는데 이런 에러가 뜨네요... "MSVCP140D.dll" "ucrtbased.dll" "VCRUNTIME140D.dll" 혹시나 해서 이전 버젼을 플레이 해봤는데 잘 돌아가는데....


Problem temporarily solved! thanks to user name Simon. turns out it works flawlessly with all those dll files above in the same file folder with game executive. I'll upload new post contains all the dll files needed. it will automatically contained for the next versions.


Thank you for your work! Was Stage 2 deleted? I was wondering why, I really liked the idea of that stage =P


I thought it's way too hard to be game over if there's 3 stages, as player should be lose all hp, then hit the monster & fail the minigame 3 times to 'die'. Also with fewer stages, fewer Hscene to work => faster development speed :3