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Hi, this is Applepopsicle, developing BIOSE project

When I first started this page, I couldn't grasp an idea what I really can offer to my supporters.

So most of plan rewards were ambigious, and not granted.

Now It's time to move to the Beta version.

It's been few years I work on this project, and as time passes I understood what I really can offer regularly.

At the result, Few description on the plan list has been changed.

the idea is to focus on game release itself, and reduce pressure to pay high price to get reward.

Major changes is marked with [bracket]

1$ : game file shared [up-to-date -> when specific part is done properly]

5$ : only cheat code shared [only -> with up-to-date game file]

10$ : completed version will be shared when BIOSE is officially released [based on release date -> based on 'share' list]

※ List will be updated when there's large change on development.

※ List has been already updated this time, so new 10$ supporter right after this post is uploaded won't be listed.









100円 : [毎月 -> 一定開発水準に達すれば] ゲームファイルを共有します。

500円 : チートコードを提供します。[+ 毎月ゲームファイルを共有します。]

1000円 : [公式リリース日を基準 -> リストを基準] にして最終版のゲームファイルを提供します。


※ 今回のリスト更新はすでに完了していますので、このポストが上がってきてすぐ1000円プランに登録されてもリストには登録されません。



If I'm on the list for $10 support, am I still on the list if I lower my level or drop my application?


yes, if you once listed on the list you will get the final version, and it's permanent even if you quit the support. but have in mind that list update occurs very rarely


when do you think the game will be finished?


Depends on how much area would I make, I assume each area will take 6+months to develop (if basic systems are completed)


question, are there gonna be anymore free ones? Or is it all gonna be paid from here on out?


there will be always free ones, just not up-to-date. currently, 5$ plan's versions are being updated like to when is released, It will be shared through 1$+ supporters, and will be on public. Not very intuitive, but that's the current plan.


quick question, if i pay for the 10$ version once, will i stay on the 10$ list even after support has ended? would like to support this development but have to be careful with spending.


Every 10$ list update will happen when there's a significant development event. There was one 10$ list update months ago, when development went beta from alpha. next one will happen when game version goes 0.2.x.x. from 0.1.x.x. that point will be around when the boss at stage 1 placed, so it will be best to save your 10$ pledge until then :3