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Korean Translation by : Master Wobble Chinese Translation by : Hastin For those of you who added me on Discord or if you're already on my community discord, you would have noticed that I've been missing for a few days now. I also haven't been streaming as of late... To summarize, I'm experiencing the worst internet connection ever! It's ridiculous that my ISP is claiming the service they're providing is Fibre. So...for the past few days all I've been doing is trying to figure out what I can do about this horrible internet speed. After searching for an answer I was led to believe that the router might be the problem so I went ahead and made a huge purchase by grabbing a router from Asus. I've tried to set it up and run into a wall because it just wouldn't receive an internet connection from the Wan port... So I had to find a way to manually configure the internet settings by opening config from router options only to be told that I should contact my ISP to figure out what internet connection they provide. So...yeah, that's pretty much been going on for the past few days so if you haven't seen me online? now you know. Well, at least I managed to get this little gem finished and ready for showing. A lot of time was spent on this and because of the interest from my usual helpers who takes care of the localization into different languages, it took even more time to finalize the finished project. I'm still on abysmal connection right now so I might be away for the next few days from Discord until this gets fixed. Just letting you guys know!



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