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Well, I'm sure you've seen this coming since I've been using Sugoi Dekai meme emotes on my Picarto stream for months ever since the anime announcement went viral months ago. This is probably one of those things that I was thinking about drawing but just didn't find the time nor excuse to do so until now. Strike while the iron is hot! Uzaki seems to be getting a lot of negative attention at the moment though. Most of it is unwarranted since this is, after all, an anime girl so of course, her proportions aren't going to be "realistic". I have to wonder if people kicked up such a fuss when Hestia was popular too considering they both share similar physique (short with sugoi dekai boobs). Somehow I don't remember Hestia ever tripping these alarm bells on Twitter. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I've marathoned the anime up to ep7 yesterday. I don't know what to call it, did I enjoy it? mmm maybe? but I was never one to like a slice of life romance comedy genre. I know she means well for the main character but she could sometimes go a little over the top annoying for both the protagonist and the viewers. Still, it was a bit unique and pleasantly different from Nagatoro-san. I might give the manga a try and see if it's enjoyable! Until then, please enjoy this pinup of the college girl with the massive Sugoi dekai~! ^^



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