2022-12-Update-1250 Tier https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1e3_9BtqV7MxdBaYJ_S49MWH4qK7kZCN5?usp=share_link No password this time. 这次没有密码。 Thank you so much for your support! I just don't want the work leaked too fast and I can't come up with other ways. Please reply if you have any question. 感谢大家支持! 如果有问题欢迎私信。
2022-11-Update-1250 Tier https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lSgwBZTVaWpgP3tIwXRVx_6onCxFtoCd?usp=share_link No password this time. 这次没有密码。 Thank you so much for your support! And I'm really sorry for this inconvenient way to post the work. I just don't want the work leaked too fast and I can't come up with other ways. Please reply if you have any question. 感谢大家支持! 对于密码这种方式的不便实在是抱歉,实在没有什么办法了…… 如果有问题欢迎私信。
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19Nj5IR9tMIzIYutYn9s4lyYssuojzkMc?usp=sharing New 2022-09 Reward. 新的九月奖励链接
Message test... 私聊测试……