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Twitter and Pixiv have both reached 40,000 followers, thank you guys so much aaaaaaaaa ⁽⁽ଘ( ˙꒳˙ )ଓ⁾⁾

I've also got out of quarantine hotel recently, I can finally make more weird things for you guys!

推特和Pixiv都達成40,000粉絲啦,謝謝大家啊啊啊啊啊啊啊⁽⁽ଘ( ˙꒳˙ )ଓ⁾⁾


Inspiration | 點子

Source | 來源:https://mymodernmet.com/pippa-dyrlaga-paper-cut-outs/

I've always wanted to do something with laser. This time, I got my inspiration from this article I randomly scrolled! I thought it'd be super cool to make a laser cut out of shota illustration that can be displayed in real life. However, I don't want to make it too complicated (like the image above) just in case if people get trypophobia.


Concept | 概念

Here's the concept I want to make. The blue part is the laser carved out illustration, the frame is made out of transparent plastic sheets, clamped by two magnets in the bottom corner. There's a wooden block which holds everything in place.


Draft | 草稿

I want to make two versions of this, one with Mutoh and Sand, another one with Orbi and Duty Boy. For the purpose of testing the concept fesibility, I only make one design first.

This design is made to be very very small, roughly 9x9cm, because bigger prints are harder to mail without it breaking. With that said, the lasers will have to be very very intricate. Most shops only allow a minimum of 1mm gap, but my design requires roughly 0.2mm gap. The shop that we found to have the best precision was 0.5mm gap (although, theoretically, laser should be as precise as roughly 0.025mm or smaller).

Apart from the line width challenge, another challenge is to connect everything (since only the black parts are kept). This is why you see the lollipop was added for Mutoh (to connect the mouth) as well as why the band-aid on my face is so big (also to connect the mouth).




Line&Lighting | 線條&二分

Gray Scale | 灰階

I plan to make the gray parts by using halftones


Halftone | 網點

I converted the rasterized layer into vector shape first, then imported into Illustrator for further processing. The red line is where the laser will cut. I feel like there'll be a lot of issue when cutting this since there's so much detail XD

我先將點陣圖轉換為向量形狀,並且放進Illustrator 再加工。紅線就是雷射會切的地方。我感覺雕刻的時候會因為太多細節而出很多問題 XD

Draugnut's Suggestion | 爪爪的建議

@Draugnut gave a lot of useful suggestions again✧(*´ω`*)

This time, he suggested that when drawing in black and white, maybe don't think in terms of drawing "gray-scale" but think in terms of "what reads better". So he recommended to either only keep lighting or only keep local color. I chose to keep local color for overall effect, but I kept the lighting on my hair so that I don't look so empty. It is a very difficult thing to balance. Furthermore, he also recommended that I can try out a bit more different patterns, although I still think diagnal lines are the best for this design as it is very clean, I do think that Mutoh's sleeves look great with a bit of variation.

@爪爪 又給了我好多很實用的建議✧(*´ω`*)


Test Sample 1 | 測試樣品1

This is what the shop sent me as a test print. I have to say that it is super cool and I'm super excited ლ(◕ω◕ლ). Although many lines got killed as a result of lines being too thin, that can be easily fixed. I'm more surprised by how well they cut the halftones.

I will alter the design and wait for a test sample v2! Meanwhile I have to get back to drawing Our Toy (Part 9) and hopefully have some time to draw doujin this month XD


修改好之後就等樣品v2啦!同時我也得開始畫Our Toy (Part9),並且希望這個月還有時間能畫本子XD

Preping Material | 準備材料

The laser cutting place doesn't provide any paper for purchase, so we had to mail the paper to them as well.

Had to go to art supply store to buy the paper and the transparent sheets. The paper had to be very specific, 250g to be exact as too thin or too thick will make the design break when being laser cut.



Kudos to my dad for helping me cut all the transparent sheets into the right size XD

This is roughly how the final product will be put together.



Draft 2 | 草稿 2

Of course there will be a version with these two :3c

I want this version to be not as intimate as the other one as they are supposedly not publicly together yet; therefore Duty Boy is mildly shy as Orbi blatantly have contact with him on record.



Line&Halftone | 線條&網點

Draugnut's Suggestion | 爪爪的建議

@Draugnut felt the hands were not natural enough and there were size issues. He said that hands turning inside out feels less natural. Hand is really one of my great weaknesses ;w;

@爪爪 說他覺得手看起來不夠自然,同時也有一些大小的問題。他說反手感覺比較不自然這樣。看起來畫手真的是我一大弱點之一;w;

Test Sample 2 | 測試樣品2

That's super cool if you ask me!!! ლ(◕ω◕ლ)


They mentioned how some parts "curve up", which isn't a big problem as I'll be pressing them down using the transparent sheets anyways. Time to wait for them to produce this in larger quantity :DDD


Cards | 卡片

This time there's a custom card too (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

I tested out many different papers and spent quite a lot of time at the printing shop. Originally I wanted something shiny, something that makes the receiver feel "oh, this is different", but unfortunately, after some writing test, the inks won't dry, and it smudges easily. In the end, I had to choose a rather plain paper qwqqq



Final Product | 最終產品

aaaaaaaaaaaaaand the final product has arrived!!!

I'm super happy with how it turned out, I literally sat there staring at it for 10 minutes straight in contentment (。・//ε//・。). I mean, just look at the details, I honestly didn't expect this to work this well XD. The only thing I'm unhappy about is how the wood blocks we bought has a random "nature" printed on it, hopefully that won't be too distracting



Quality Control | 品管

There are a lot of left-over scraps or broken pieces on the designs. I had to manually pick out every single one of them myself with a pair of very fine tweezers. It's a super fine work, I often find myself holding my breathe as I did it as any carelessness could result the paper breaking ww


These are all the "NG" ones, it's probably not obvious as to why they are NG at first glance. My criteria is that if a prominent area is broken, then it's NG. In this case, most of the NGs are noses disappearing (especially on Mutoh and Orbi).

Not sure what I'll do with those, perhaps I'll just use them as wallpaper or something ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_


我不確定該怎麼處理這些,也許會拿來當家裡的壁紙之類的吧∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

Packaging | 包裝

We had to wipe clean the plastic sheets first to minimize dust going in the design, then aligning the design with the plastic sheet perfectly while adding strong magnets to them. All of which were done while wearing gloves to minimize oil getting onto the surface. This took me and my dad an entire day to do ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ

我們得先將透明塑膠板再擦過一遍來減少被夾進去的灰塵,然後將設計與塑膠板完美地對其,並且同時用強力磁鐵固定住位置。為了避免油脂弄髒設計,我們全程都還戴著手套。我跟我爸花了一整天的時間在弄這個ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ








好棒 我又来了!


(●♡∀♡) I love how you keep coming up with all these unique ideas. I will play 1 shota bill for it. ( •̀_•́)=ε [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ιο̲̅k)̲̅$̲̅]


There's so many other weird ideas I wanna make (*´ч ` *) You don't have to pay, you can have it for free (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


Yay more collectables to put on display ❤ (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc)


It's simply wonderful to see you having fun with these different projects. They look awesome! :-)


So glad you like them! Would be happy to send them to you when they're finalized <3! Unfortunately this also means the progress for my doujin is not very good ;w;