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幸いゲーム制作では大変ですがそろそろコツを掴んた気がして、これからロリゲーも作ってみたいと思います。効率よくコンテンツを出せるために工夫し、3Dソフトなども活用するつもりです。ちょうど最近ネットで授業をとって勉強することにしました、皆さんが支援してくれているおかげです~表現欲がまだあるうちに頑張っていきたいと思います。。。どうか見守ってくださいm(_ _)m

Thank you for your support!

This is Black Moon.

I'm sorry for the lack of updates, but I've had a lot going on in October, my father's health is getting worse, which worries me the most.

Even I don't want to, but due to family pressure, I may have to leave this town and work again after the Corona disaster is over. It would be great if my creative work could support my family, but I'm tired of hearing that I'm living an unhealthy life, or I'm wasting my career, and so on....

Fortunately,although it's a lot of work in game production, I feel like I've gotten the hang of it by now, and I'd like to make some loli games in the future. I'm going to try some ways such as using 3D software to produce content efficiently. I've just recently decided to take classes online and learn some skills, thanks to the support of everyone - I'd like to do my best while I still have the desire to express myself. It would be great if you be there for me...m(_ _)m




昨日、旧知の一人が亡くなったことを知りました。あまりにも突然だったので、まだ現実感が湧いてきていない… 彼もまたクリエイターで、まだ30代だったのですが、過労が原因なのか心臓発作で突然亡くなりました。...... 私にとっても、みんなにとっても、とても優しくて穏やかな人でした。......、安らかに眠って、夢見ていた世界に行けるよう祈っております。 何かを作るということは、心を消耗し、生活に支障をきたしがちですが、健康には十分気をつけましょう。 Yesterday I found out that one of my old friedn had passed away, it was so sudden that it still doesn't feel real... He was also a creator, and he was only in his thirties, but he suddenly died of a heart attack probably because of overwork ...... He was such a kind and gentle person to me and everyone......hope he rest in peace and go to the world he dreamed of. Creating something really consumes mind and tends to disrupt life, let's take good care of our health.


Take your time and don't rush. Cheers to good health!


That sucks, please take care for yourself and your father aswell.




I'm so sorry to hear about the events that have happened. You are a very brave, strong person and I look up to your courage & passion 🙏


I am here to support you, Black Moon and I am sorry to hear about the family situation. Take time to be with your loved ones. You may not always have that time.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-25 15:49:15 Shaka Zulu Vs Julius Caesar & Gandhi Vs Martin Luther King!
2021-11-07 18:28:38 Mucha suerte sensei, ojalá todo mejore con el tiempo, sus trabajos son gloriosos ojalá pueda seguir haciéndolo mucho tiempo más 💪🦾

Mucha suerte sensei, ojalá todo mejore con el tiempo, sus trabajos son gloriosos ojalá pueda seguir haciéndolo mucho tiempo más 💪🦾


I completely understand. Your loved ones' health should always come first.


Nice! I'd love to see some loli games as I have no interest in shota.


Take care of your family and your health first and foremost, please. The rest will slowly but surely follow! ^_^