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絶賛作業中です…流出されたデータと対抗として、フルカラー(一部のページ)して参ります!加えてFANBOXの支援者限定投票により、可能の限り一ページつつフルカラー、そしてなんとモーションコミックにしていきます!(すごく時間かかりますので…期間は長くなりますがあらかじめご了承ください。) Work is in progress ... In order to counter the leaked data, I will do full color (some pages)! In addition, If possible I will make full-color pages one by one, and even Motion Comic by voting only for supporters of FANBOX! It may take a long time ... (Please be aware that the period will be longer.) 绝赞制作中...为了对抗流出的盗版,我将进行全彩化(部分页面)!另外,可能会通过FANBOX限定的支持者投票,来一页一页制作全彩,甚至动态漫画!这将需要耗费大量精力。(请注意,该期间可能会很长。)




I appreciate all that you're doing to counteract republishing, but I hate that you have to do it in the first place. Such is life, I guess. What you have done so far is great and looks awesome. And, if unselfishly had to vote now, I'd definitely vote for a motion comic, even if it means it takes longer. They're not done too often so it would be a nice, welcomed change. Besides, I'm a patient fan. I'd rather wait awhile to get your best effort than get it quick and have you think you could have done more to make it better and more enjoyable. I'll take what I can get, however, whenever you can deliver and appreciate it all the same.


Take your time


You are amazing. I will wait for however it takes.