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皆さん、いつもご支援いただき本当にありがとうございます。 最近更新が遅くなっているのは、誕生日に嫌なことがありましたからです、まだ話すかどうかは決めておりません、とにかく今はFANBOXに集中して、製作していくのみ…ファンの方々が私を支えてくれると心より信じてます。 実は、動画制作にかかる時間がほとんどを占めていて、動かしたいイラストがただただ積みあがってしまってる状況です。 動画製作はものすごく時間かかり、今も効率上げのために新しいソフトと制作法を探っております。 今月約束の同人誌データですが、無断転載を防ぐため(先月の番外編は公開した途端アップロードされましたので)、少しいじらせてもらいます、もう少しお待ちください。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you all for your support ! I've been updated slowly because some bad things happened on my birthday, I haven't decided whether to tell it or not yet. Anyway, now I'm just going to focuse on FANBOX and making stuffs... I sincerely believe that my fans will hold me on no matter what happened. In fact, it takes me most of the time to make animation recently, that the illustrations I want to animated are just piled up. Animation just takes me too much time, and I‘m still looking for new software and methods to improve efficiency. About the doujinshi data I promised this month, to prevent unauthorized reprinting (because the Extra edition of last month was uploaded as soon as it was released), I'm doing something about it , sorry but please wait for a little longer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 感谢大家一直以来的支持! 我最近更新的慢了点,是因为我生日那天发生了一些糟心的事,对我打击很大,我还没有决定是否要说出来……不过无论如何,暂时我只想专注于FANBOX和制作作品。因为我相信,不管发生什么大家都会支持我的。 实际上,制作动画耗费了的我大量的时间,导致我想动画化的插图,漫画和游戏都堆积了起来。 一个人坚持制作真的很困难,为了提高效率我仍在不停寻找新的软件和制作方法。 关于本月承诺的同人志原档,为了防止未经授权的转载(因为上个月的番外篇一经发布就被上传……),我将稍作处理,还请再稍等一会。




She looks good and the art is beautiful. Thank you! Take your time and we'll be here to support you when you produce something. Hope all is better now.


Thank you! I'm still working on it....It's all becase of the damn corona....you take care too


We are here to suppport you no matter what!


I sorry to hear you are having trouble. I wish I could help. As for the uploading problem, I wish I had some advice, but many people upload immediately. Maybe send it by mail with an individual password. At least then you'll know who uploaded it.


He'd need to personalize each individual fileset as well; i dont think that is something that's feasible in the long run.




Your art is absolutely wonderful and lovely, as always. Every picture brings a smile to my face! Best wishes for things to get better soon; I hope the trouble ends swiftly, with better times on the horizon.


Thank you for your advise. but I think I can't stop that behavior no matter how hard I try....so if only you guys here could support me persistently that could make me ignore the loss. That would be a big consolation for me~


Thank you! I'm just too tired of things in real-life. There are so many guys in the world that only care about money and themselves ... I don't want be one of them. My biggest dream is to rely on fans to be able to create freely. I have been working towards this goal all the time (including go abroad), since now I almost lost everything except you guys here. And I'm also very lucky to have supporters like you all the time ~ With your pushing, I will try cross the horizon and promise to bring you there.


Ah yes, The 'Rona. That thing ruins everything. Well I'm doing fine over here for now and hope to stay that way. In the meantime, I'll just sit back, relax, and enjoy the animations you're sending our way.


幼女ちゃんエッチくて最高ですね! 次回もゆっくり楽しみに待ってます!




Sorry to hear you are having trouble, the lolis you make are always cute, so I'll keep supporting you!