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練習用絵です。 ご存じのように私は性癖かなり拗らせてますが、健全絵のフェチも変です。筋肉娘とは別方向に、「華奢な女性」+「超巨大武器」+「職業・キャラ属性と明らかにミスマッチな装備」みたいなのが好きです(これ、なんていうフェチなんでしょうね。)。強い女性が好きなところは共通してますが。SEXでは逆に滅茶苦茶に蹂躙されて征服される女性が好きなんですけどね・・笑 今回のお絵かきブートキャンプでは、 (1)キャラデザ (2)服・その他立体物の立体訓練 (3)線画無し作画(面→立体) (4)レイヤー効果なしで色づくり の4点を訓練ポイントで描いています。 3月のデス・マーチ直前に、幸運なことに土日休みをもらえたので練習していました。エロはどうしても続きが描きたくなってしまうので、初全年齢絵です。エロ絵希望の方が多いと思いますので、ご期待に沿えず申し訳ないです・・・。 それでは皆様、1か月後にお会いしましょう! --- This is my first piece of Non-R18 picture that is the result of a self drawing boot camp during the last Saturday and Sunday. As you know, my sexual fetish is very deviated, and I also have a strange fetish for non-R18 themes. In a different direction from muscular girls, I like a combo theme of "slender women" + "super huge weapons" + "equipment that clearly mismatches the occupation/character attributes". I wonder how this kind of fetish is called/tagged. The objectives of the boot camp are to practice: (1) character design (2) the drawing of 3D objects including clothes (3) drawing and painting without a line art (more like an oil painting) (4) the color management without layer effects Very fortunately, I afforded to have the full off during the last weekend just before a 'death march' has started today. So, I spent the weekend for the drawing boot camp ;) This time I went with Non-R18 because I really want to continue drawing a hentai if it wasn't complete. I'm sorry for that, as I know there are many people who want to see my hentais. See you all in a month! (If I could manage my 7 days * 15hs * 4 weeks work, haha!)




Whoa~! She looks cool. I really like her heels. Focus on your spiritual and physical need not ours. I'm really happy that you write in english even tho I am too poor to support you... I wish you much health and good luck with your everyday work!


Thanks for your comment, I'm back! Please don't worry about the donation. There are many ways to encourage me to work, and giving your comments is definitely one of the biggest ones! I've just posted a test version of an English translation of Todo Rin. Please have a look at it if you're interested in ;)