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継続支援をして頂いている皆様、本当にありがとうございます。おかげさまで、以前ご報告したようにAdobe Suiteを導入したり、少しずつお絵かき環境が整ってきました。

さて、3月分の継続支援についてですが、先のポストでお伝えしたとおり、今携わっている仕事が4月頭に終わる方向で進んでおり、3月中は相当忙しくなると思います。そのため、3月中は新しいイラストとギフトのアップはかなり難しいと思います・・・。結果を出せないまま、皆様からご寄付頂くのも大変申し訳ないので、遠慮なくご支援を中止して頂ければと思います(それでも継続支援してやろう! という方には、もう本当に頭があがりません・・感謝しかないです・・)。仕事が終われば、4月からはまたがっつりお絵かきできると思いますので、その際にまたご寄付の是非をご検討頂ければ幸いです!


Thank you very much for your monthly donations! Thanks to all of you, as I reported before, Adobe Suite has been introduced to my drawing workplace and it radically improved my drawing workflows.

Regarding the monthly donation for March, as I mentioned in the previous post, my real job is entering into its wrapping-up stage and will end by early April. So, I think it will be quite busy during March. As such, I think it will be quite difficult to upload new illustrations and gifts during the month...I feel very sorry to receive your donations without showing any products/progress. So, if you want, please do not hesitate to stop the donation (if you're still ok with that and will continue donating...I really cannot find an appropriate word to show my gratitude...very much appreciate it!)

After the project is complete, I think I will be able to draw again much frequently, so I would appreciate it if you would consider donating again in April! ;)

See you again in April!



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