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*Fanboxのサムネイル&低解像度版作成機能が紫系統の色が苦手みたいで、だいぶ色味が変わっているかもしれません。オリジナル版では大丈夫だと思うので、そちらをご覧いただければと思います。 仕事が忙しく、だいぶ間が開いてしまいました。すみません。先日、仕事の大きな部分が終わって少しゆとりができたので、制作が間延びしていた藤堂凛を完成させました。文字・断面カットインありの完全版はPixivにあげてます。 今回の制作で分かったのは、制作期間が長くなるとどうしても作業的になってしまい、最後の方はリビドー不足でした。加藤先生の堕胎SEXの制作で一番恐れていたのがこれで、作業時間にゆとりができるまで加藤先生を寝かしたのは個人的には良い判断だと思いました。楽しみにしてくださってる皆様にはお待たせして申し訳ないですが・・。 仕事の方は、この調子だと予定より早く繁忙期が終わるかもしれず(当初6月だったのが、4月になる可能性が)、まだまだ油断できないですが頑張って片付けてこようと思います。 NOTE: It seems that Fanbox's function to generate thumbnails and low-resolution versions is not good with purple colors, so the colors may have changed a lot. I think the original images are fine, so please have a look at them. I've been completely occupied by my real job, so I couldn't update things so frequently. Sorry about that! A few days ago, I was able to finish one of the biggest parts of my work and had some free time, so I completed this Rin Todo hentai, which I had been working on for a while. The full version with text and cut-ins is on Pixiv (as you might see it already). I found that the longer I draw hentais, the more it became like a 'work', and I lacked libido (or sexual motivation) at the end. This is what I was most afraid of when drawing Kato-sensei's abortion sex, and I personally thought it was a good decision to let it be postponed until I had more time to work on it. I'm sorry for everyone who is looking forward to it As for my real job, at this rate, the busy season may end sooner than planned (it was originally scheduled to end in June, but it may end up in April). So, although I still need to work hard and see how my work gores, I'm now expecting to draw more in April or so.




It looked to me like the futa is gonna ruin Rins ovaries too...sperm just too strong and going to pierce all her precious ova until she's basically castrated


Thanks, sniperez, for your comment! Yes, your observation is correct. Japanese text just next to the cut-in in the last scene actually says 'The remaining ova: 0.' As I announced in Pixiv, I plan to fully translate this work to English (it may take some time though), so hope you'll enjoy what you saw together with Eng texts ;)


I like your art a lot man! And hope to see your work letting you have enough time to keep at it. Im surprised you said you have been drawing only for a few months because it definitely looks like you've had lot more expirience!


Thanks for your encouraging words! Yap, I've just started drawing in December 2020. If I look like experienced, that's because many savvy hentai illustrators provide learning videos and technical tips. Anyway, I'll do my best to draw good hentais.


むーちんさんのTwitterを経由して見に来ました! 今は、フォローだけで申し訳ないのですが、絵としては筋肉+ふたなり等が好きなので、また金銭的に余裕ができたら、改めて支援させていただきます。


コメントありがとうございます! こうやってフォローやコメントを頂けるだけで凄く嬉しいので、あまりお気になさらないでください。フェチ幅が広いので、筋肉+ふた以外の絵も多くなると思いますが、筋ふたは今後も絶対描いていくので、気長に応援して頂けますと幸いです!