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引き続き、受精卵乗っ取りレイプ絵に作業浮気続き中です。仕事が忙しすぎて、差分すべてでポーズが違う加藤先生堕胎SEXに取り掛かるエネルギーが残っていません・・・笑 御覧の通り、基本絵の表情と結合部だけ変更した適当差分で遊んでます。日曜から一週間仕事で缶詰になるので、頑張って差分6枚の着色済み画像は完成させました。セリフと「受精卵の遺伝子を乗っ取る」カットインをどう表現しようか、仕事の休憩の合間にでも考える予定です。 As you can see, I'm still working on the fertilized egg hijacking rape hentai. I've been so busy with my job and I lost the whole energy to work on Kato-sensei's abortion sex, where the pose is different in all the diffs... lol. So, I've been playing around with some simple diffs of the futanari hentai where I've only changed the facial expression and the 'joint part' of the basic image. I'm going to be completely occupied by my work for a week from Sunday, so I did my best to complete the colored base image of the 6 (planned) diffs. I'm going to think about how I'm gonna compose the dialogue as well as illustrate the "hijack the fertilized egg's genes" cut-in during my breaks from work.



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