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Hello. This article is aimed at English speakers.

Next, I have translated my novel "Guaranteed Gacha Animation" that I posted on Pixiv into English.

If it is well received, I will consider translating my other works into English as well, and increasing the number of English version manga.

Please be sure to click the "like button" and leave "comments".

By the way, the original version is here.



Producer/Translator 叶恵るい

Translation cooperation randawei21様

illustration しおいぬ様

"Ah, it's no use again—"

With a sigh, she leaned back on the bed, her reddish-brown hair swaying gently at the movement. No matter how many times she looked at her smartphone screen, she could only see the familiar faces lined up.

The number of "stones" needed to roll the gacha had dwindled to the point where she could only roll one more time, causing her to let out another sigh.

"I really want to get the featured character in this gacha. Oh, right! I should still have that gift card I bought before."

Rummaging through her desk drawer, she found the gift card at the bottom. She had bought the card when an appealing gacha was held in the past, but since she got the character she wanted right away, the card had been lying dormant at the bottom of the drawer.

"Please let me get it this time!"

She clasped her hands in front of her smartphone. Being a high school student without a part-time job, she was always short on money, relying solely on her allowance.

She usually didn't spend much on in-game purchases, only doing so when particularly strong characters were released.

And this time, the featured character had exceptionally high stats and an unfathomable charm.

She desperately wanted to obtain it. With that sole thought in mind, she tapped the "10-Pulls" button.


"Yes! A guaranteed 5-star!"

The smartphone screen glowed in a rainbow of colors, indicating that a strong character was guaranteed to appear, further heightening her expectations.

With a sparkling animation, one character after another was summoned in order. She didn't spare a glance at the familiar characters, quickly moving on to the next.

C’mon, c’mon, hurry up and show me the character I'm aiming for...! As if urging the game, she kept tapping the screen.

That's when it happened.

"Huh? Why did it freeze?"

Suddenly, the screen froze.

This was the moment when she knew a strong character would appear, and she might finally meet the one she was hoping for. The excitement she felt vanished in an instant.

She waited patiently, but the frozen screen didn't return to normal.

"This is the worst. What a waste—"

The disappointment was as great as her expectations, and she stared at the screen for a while.

Although she couldn't witness the moment of success, she hoped that the character might have been added to her inventory. With that wish, she tapped the screen to return to the home screen.

"No good, it's not responding at all."

She tried swiping and tapping several times, but to no avail. Seeing no other option, she was about to turn off her phone when, at that very moment—

The hand that was holding the smartphone gradually turned red. As the thumb on the screen became covered in hard, scaly skin, this phenomenon slowly spread across her hand.

At the same time, the fabric around her tailbone was slightly pushed up. It was a small, but definite bulge that kept growing.

"Whoa! What is this!?"

Feeling something strange on her backside, she twisted her body and noticed her overalls being pushed up by something. Trembling, she touched the bulge and clearly felt the sensation that “something” was there.

She thought about taking off her clothes to check, but at that moment, her hand grew larger with a cracking sound.

"M-My hand...!"

Her hand, clearly no longer human, had sharp claws and rough, red skin.

"My back feels itchy..."

Something protruded from her back, causing her already tight clothes to become even tighter due to her large chest. She tried to take off her clothes, but the strange sensation prevented her from doing so.

"Ah! It made a hole."

A thorn-like protrusion poked out from the triangular bulge in the seam of her overalls, making a hole in her favorite garment.

She tried to push back the “growth” that was coming from her backside, but something protruding from her shoulder blades hindered her hands from reaching it.

Soon, small, horn-like growths emerged from her head, and orange hair spread from the top of her head.

"What the... What's going on..."

She tried to form words, but they came out choppy, leaving her completely confused.

As she remained bewildered, the changes in her body progressed one after another, and her clothes, tailored to fit a human body, gradually began to scream.

Her right arm, where the transformation first began, had become considerably enlarged, and the sleeve stretched to its limit to accommodate it.

The bulge on her shoulder blades grew even larger, and holes began to form from the sharp protrusions at the tips.

With a ripping sound, the fabric tore apart, gradually revealing red wings. The remaining cloth clung to the wings, as if urging them to grow even more.

"Ugh... It hurts..."

As she heard a tearing sound from her backside, she fell forward and collapsed. She tried to sit up as usual, but her enlarged feet prevented her from doing so.

"Ah, no... Grr..."

Occasionally making cracking sounds, her face continued to extend further and further. Eventually, she couldn't articulate properly, and tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.

It seemed like her entire body was enlarging, causing her clothes to become extremely tight. The area around her chest was torn, and the neckline had become much tighter due to her thickened neck.

Her legs grew even thicker, and eventually, the fabric that could no longer withstand the pressure began to tear.

The seams around her backside had ripped, and large chunk of flesh kept pushing out from within.

Despite the durability of the denim overalls, they were mercilessly torn apart. The pressure on her entire body was so intense that she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, and sweat poured down her now muzzle-like face.

Despite the discomfort, she examined her body and realized that her entire body was a shade of red, she had wings, and the thing pushing up her backside was probably a tail... At that moment, a lightbulb went off in her head. .

Could it be that she was turning into the character she wanted?

Come to think of it, the featured character in this gacha had a similar appearance. To think that she would turn into it—

Moreover, this wasn't the game world. Looking around, she could clearly see her own room.

This was clearly not normal. However, realizing what was happening to her and what she was becoming, she felt a slight sense of relief.

Mockingly, as if to make up for that sense of relief, the transformation accelerated.

Her left arm, now completely covered in sturdy scales, caused the sleeve to tear from the wrist. Her overalls ripped from the knees, now exposed dragon feet covered in bright red scales.

Both her wings and tail had been suppressed by her clothes, but they had finally reached their limit.


With an unprecedented loud sound, large wings and a tail burst out with great force. The shredded fabric fluttered and fell.

With the release of what had been suppressed, the remaining changes progressed rapidly. Scales covered her entire body with cracking sounds, and by the time they completely enveloped her, she had fully taken on the appearance of a dragon.

Realizing that the transformation was complete, a wave of fatigue washed over her.

She lay on the floor as if being sucked in, and casually glanced at her smartphone screen. There, along with five stars, the dragon character was displayed.

Well, this is the end. Thank you for reading.



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