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Hello. This article is intended for English speakers.

I have translated my novel "Streaming the transformation into a fox" that I posted on Pixiv into English.

If it is well received, I will consider translating my other works into English as well, and increasing the number of English version manga.

Please click the "like button" and leave "comments".

By the way, the original version is here.



Producer/Translator 叶恵るい

Translation cooperation randawei21様

"Hey everyone, can you see me?"

The woman waved at the camera, and comments from viewers started pouring in, saying things like "We can see you!" and "So excited!".

"Alright, so for today's stream, I'll be attempting a fox transformation, which got the most votes in last time's survey! As usual, I'm wearing a short-sleeved top and shorts for loungewear."

With those words, the woman picked up a light brown pill and a water bottle. Maintaining eye contact with the camera, she tossed the pill into her mouth and washed it down with water, licking her lips with a flick of her tongue.

"It'll take about 30 minutes for the effects to kick in, so let's have a TF chat!"

As she was engrossed in casual conversation with the viewers, a comment popped up saying, "It's about time, isn't it?"

"You're right, my body is getting quite hot and I'm starting to feel tingly all over..."

Answering with a slightly breathless tone, she suddenly shuddered and scrunched up her face. Comments like "Oh, is it starting?" and "Yay, the TF is beginning!" flooded in one after another.

"Ngh... Hah, it's taking effect♡ I think it's starting with the ears..."

Writhing in pleasure, she brushed her hair aside to give a clear view of her ears, pointing them towards the camera. Then, with small cracking and popping sounds, her ears slowly started to become pointed and migrate upwards. Gradually growing larger, they pushed through her hair until they settled on top of her head, fully covered in fur and transformed into fox ears.

"Hah... My ears have turned into fox ears! When your ears are changing, it feels like a pleasant head massage♡"

Speaking with an already flushed face, it seemed the next change came without delay.

"My bottom is tingling... I think the tail is about to sprout next♡"

This time, she turned her bottom towards the camera and bent over slightly, tugging her shorts down a bit. The area where a human's tailbone would be looked slightly red and swollen. Accompanied by cracking sounds, the tail slowly, gradually grew, taking a few dozen seconds to reach about 5 centimeters in length.

"Hah... hah... It's finally growing♡♡ Growing a tail takes quite a bit of energy, you know. Here's my tail~♡♡"

She pinched the budding tail protrusion to show it off. With a "Nhaah♡♡" and a full-body shudder, the tail suddenly grew several centimeters in an instant. The woman, wearing an enraptured expression, glanced at the screen. A comment caught her eye:

"Try growing it while keeping your shorts on"

Though the fabric had some stretch, a fox tail grows to a considerable size, so it was easy to imagine it would become extremely tight. However, for the woman who’s switch had been flipped, that was a trivial issue.

"Sure thing... I'll burst right through these shorts♡♡♡"

Pulling her shorts back up, the tail rubbed against the fabric, causing her body to jerk. She lifted the waistband up to her stomach and tied the drawstring tightly, then got on all fours with her bottom pointed towards the camera.

"Hya... ah! Mm... Too bad I can't see it myself...♡♡"

At first, it only bulged out slightly above her bottom, but as time passed, it grew larger and larger. Each time the woman trembled and shook, the tail grew in spurts, and the compression from the shorts accelerated its growth even further.

"Mmph... The shorts are getting tight♡♡♡"

Eventually, her bottom area was hugely swollen, the shorts stretched to their limit and looking ready to burst at any moment. Confined in the too-tight shorts, the tail squirmed around violently as if begging to be set free, despite the cramped space.

"Alright, time for one final push~♡♡"

She shifted her position to avoid exposing her privates when the shorts tore, and focused her strength. At that moment, the shorts that seemed like they couldn't possibly stretch any further bulged out slightly before-


-the seams split apart with a loud sound. A beautifully fox-colored, fluffy tail burst out with great force. With a final spurt of growth, the tail reached its full length and the woman collapsed.

"Mmm... Did I pass out...?"

She slowly sat up and looked at the monitor; the stream was still going. Comments like "Ah, she's awake!" "Thank goodness" and "God-tier stream" filled the chat.

"Ah, sorry about that! I didn't mean to worry you, I'm totally fine. What happened while I was out cold?"

"Your muzzle grew longer-" "Fur covered your whole body-" "Thanks for transforming even while unconscious"

Exclamations of awe and concern scrolled by.

"Phew, I guess I pushed myself a bit too hard, I'll be more careful next time. Don't wanna get banned and not be able to stream anymore... Well then, until next time! Thanks for watching!"

With a sidelong glance at the huge amount of TF drugs on the shelf, she ended the stream with a smile.

Well, this is the end. Thank you for reading.

As this is the first novel I posted on Pixiv, I think there are many areas that are still rough around the edges. However, if the English version of the novel is well received, I am considering creating new works as well.


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