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Back to the usual grass schedule before next month's poll~ Have 2 WIPs I'll be doing during next month! At some point, maybe not one after the other. And to end, a quick projects update: I've been working on a vtuber model for myself for the past couple weeks! Not like I'll use it or anything, I just thought it'd be fun to make and it's something I've been wanting to do for at least 3 years, so I finally gave it a try. Maybe I'll try streaming art shenanigans someday, but I'm a very quiet and shy person so I don't think it'd be that fun to watch. Personality traits aside, I had to put a full stop to other projects such as the futa thingy and a couple other things to have time to make it. I didn't imagine it'll be this time-consuming when I started. It isn't finished yet, but I want to go back to my projects that actually include drawing and not messing around with sliders haha. Also there's the possibility that next month I'll be busier than normal with some big request, so projects will once again be advancing slower... Seriously, days are too short, 24h isn't enough to do all I want ( ╥ω╥ )



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