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Hello, everyone!! The new Character Poll #23 is up right now!! It will last for a week^_^ Here's the link: https://strawpoll.com/XmZRxw79Lnd
Published: 2024-04
Hello, everyone!! There's just 1 day left to vote on the open Character Poll #22. If you still didn't made your vote, go and choose your favourite between the 4 options^^ There is a tie between Mitsuri and Shinobu at the moment. Here's the link: https://strawpoll.com/ajnEO9M3kZW
Published: 2024-04
Hello, everyone!! There's just 1 day left to vote on the open Character Poll #15. If you still didn't made your vote, go and choose your favourite between the 4 options^^ Here's the link: https://strawpoll.com/mpnboQMaQg5
Published: 2023-12
Hello, everyone!! There's just 1 day left to vote on the Character Poll #4. If you still didn't made your vote, go and choose your favourite between the 6 options^^ Here's the link: https://strawpoll.com/xVg7jNeAKnr
Published: 2023-07
Hello, everyone!! The new Character Poll #4 is up right now!! It will last for a week^_^ Here's the link: https://strawpoll.com/xVg7jNeAKnr
Published: 2023-07
Hello, everyone!! This is a reminder that there's just 1 day left to vote on the Character Poll #3. If you still didn't made your vote, go and choose your favourite between the 6 options^^ Here's the link: https://strawpoll.com/xVg7jNwmrnr
Published: 2023-07