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Sorry for the delay in replying to comments.

Ikarifle DX progress report (on learning 3D techniques)

For the past week, I have been creating 3D models of avatars of some of my acquaintances as practice.

By creating a model from scratch this time, I was able to understand the basics of modeling faster than I had planned.

It takes time because there is a lot to do, but once you know how to do it, it seems to be less difficult than drawing.

I was planning to start modeling Inkling and octoling after I have mastered it a little more... but let's move up the schedule and make a model of Inkling already.

Inkling model No. 1 production trial

Let's make one model of slender Inkling, as a trial.

I'm not sure if she can do anything erotic with this slender, flat 3D model, so I'd like to get rid of that concern as soon as possible. I don't think she can do blow-job and missionary possition.

Plans for the next week

I will be working on another major issue.

"Is there a way to use chatbot AI offline?" and determine how to produce the game.

Once that is solved, I just have to follow the plan and just make the game.

The skills are developing well, but production is proceeding on a very tight schedule. (As usual it is.)

If I am going to release a demo version on August 26th as I have stated, I already have to start production this week.

I would rather postpone it than release something that I am not completely satisfied with, but I still want to keep the deadline that I have once mentioned.

I will continue to do my best.

Best regard.


























Believe me when i tell ya that all your fans here will wait patiently for your next big squid/octo lover game. We love them and we love you. Take your time, and make the best game you can <3


In my opinion I wish the 3d models were almost exactly the same way they are in the game


This looks incredible amazing work so far on it, you will make this such a great game.


oh nice, keep it u good work and no rush, take your time and you will make great game


イカちゃんが丁度いいえっちな細さですごくかわいいです… ローカルで使えるchatgptコピーの記事が今日流れてきたので貼っておきます… 余計なお世話でしたら申し訳ありません… https://gigazine.net/news/20230807-llama2-uncensored/




Thank you. Very encouraging. I always have a conflict between wanting to put in enough time to put out something good and having to release it quickly. In any case, the final product will be the best without compromise.


I agree. I believe that the elements that make the original inkling model look erotic and cute must be incorporated into this model without leaving out any of the elements that make the original inkling model look erotic and cute. Not only in the model, but also in the animation.


Thanks. You are right. I will take my time where I need to take my time. But not lazily.


ありがとうございます。細いの好きな同志がいてよかった… 記事の方大変助かります。 これも試してみます。


The 3D modeling looks promising! It can be fun tinkering with models. The more complicated part will probably be the a.i. aspect. With my RTX3070, I can run 7B 4bit models without delay. This is fine for me, but 13B models, in my experience, are generally more coherent. However, 13B 4bit models need 60+sec to complete a message. This might be an issue for some users. Unfortunately many people cannot use smarter a.i. due to hardware limitations. Regardless, I think so long as there are progress reports to keep us updated, a delay will not be a problem! If you wait until you are happy with your work, I am sure we will be happy as well!


Thank you for teaching me. I tried those models. They have the disadvantage of being censored, but they can be used locally and some are multilingual. Also, as you said, the hardware requirements for it to work are high. These may be unavoidable problems for other models as well. I want to do my best right now, quickly create an outline for the game, and then spend enough time brushing it up until I'm satisfied with it.


the same goes for the idols. I prefer their canon models instead of the one that are on twitter, Sadly almost no one wants to make animations with the models of the game.


Hello author, I wonder if I can get the BGM of Inkling Heroes from you? I like it very much, it is very relaxing and feeling


Sorry for late replay. Sorry.Almost all ot them are from artlist. So I cant give you. but the last hideout bgm is from here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6W37c4U8sQ&t=5s&ab_channel=DOVA-SYNDROMEYouTubeOfficial


Oh~ I see, this is a new goal~ I have to find those background music, thank you, author~