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メッセージ失礼します。ヾ| |・◡・||و です。

https://fantasfic.fun/signup (アカウント作成)
https://fantasfic.fun/circles/2259#posts (サークルページ)


Dear followers of the support site.
Please excuse my message. This is ヾ| |・◡・||و.
As I have already announced in the article, I am currently offering a limited number of articles on fantasfic for free during the month of June as part of the transition period to other support sites.
I wanted as many people as possible to see the article during this free period, so I sent a message to my followers.
I would be very happy if you could take a look and, if you like, create an account and follow me.

https://fantasfic.fun/signup (Create account)
https://fantasfic.fun/circles/2259#posts (circle page)

(This message is being sent in batches, so no reply is necessary.)
Published: 2023-06