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私は主にAdobe Animate(旧Flash)で動画を制作しているのですが、Animate上で作画された絵はIllustratorと同じベクター形式なので、「拡大しても画質が劣化しない」という特徴があります。

I mainly use Adobe Animate (formerly Flash) to create my videos, and pictures created in Animate are in the same vector format as those in Illustrator, so the quality of the picture does not deteriorate even if it is enlarged.

しかし、Animate独自の動画規格であるswfは、Flash Playerの提供終了により公開の場がなくなってしまっています。もっと綺麗に動画を見れるのに、もったいないなぁと思っていました。

However, Animate's own video standard, swf, is no longer available to the public due to the end of the Flash Player. I thought it was a waste of time, because it would have allowed us to see more beautiful videos.

というわけで、せっかくpixivFANBOXを始めてみたわけなので、支援者さん向けの特典として、高画質版(mp4 & swfファイル)の動画を載せてみることにしました。

これまでのものについては、#支援者さん向け特典 タグで辿ることができます。まだまだ数は少ないですが、少しずつ増やしていこうと思っています。

So, since we have started pixivFANBOX, we decided to post a high-resolution version of the video (mp4 & swf files) as a special offer for our supporters. There are still a few, but I am trying to increase them little by little.





There are a few things to note about the files listed.

 1. The background music used in the original video has been removed and the video is a silent loop.

 2. Please do not use this video for anything that involves the exchange of money.

 3. Do not redistribute this video file as is.





In addition to the above, secondary use should be

 1. Do not use it for excessively political or sexual matters.

 2. Do not distribute working files or swf files of your creations.

If you keep these points in mind, it is approximately OK.


Here's an example↓


Also, please refer to the articles around here on how to play swf files.


Have a good Flash life!



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