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(I'm using Google Translator, and i'm sorry for Japanese fans i didnt translate it)

First of all I want to thank you guys who continue to support me in my difficult situation, I can't say anything more.

And now you probably aware where came from, at first I wanted to remain anonymous and I didn't want to reveal it. because there's nothing to be proud of from making porn like this, but I like it so it doesn't matter anymore.

I'm from West Java, Indonesia. Currently in my area there was an earthquake measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale. maybe some of you don't know, but if you see the news on the internet, it will definitely appear.

I am grateful that my family and I are fine, and that our house only suffered minor damage. but currently there are still aftershocks and it hasn't stopped. and I ventured to use my computer today to get back to work. but honestly I'm still a bit afraid of another earthquake, but if I keep being scared, I won't be able to go back to work.

And I want to apologize to all the supporters, because of this incident, this month scene may be a little late. and I also haven't finished all my schedule this month. but I will try my best so that I can finish the scene in the remaining time of this month. there may be some changes, and I apologize for that.

I feel bad, you have spent money to support me, but maybe this month's rewards is not what you expected. I am so sorry.

So I plan to give 50% of my income this month to earthquake victims near where I live. I know it's not that big, and I also don't know if it's good or not. but I think it's fair.

Once again, thank you very much for continuing to support me, I hope I can get back to work normally.

With Love,
