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Things are progressing steadily on the new animation. It's now called 'Bad Vibes', and it looks like it's going to end up around 1:30 in length (pray I do not alter it further). Part of me wants to go all in and make it twice as long, but that'd only water it down. The story feels nice and tidy the way it is.

Speaking of story, this one's real spicy. I extracted hundreds of voice lines from RE2, and Sherry's dialogue just kept steering this one darker and darker. Fans of my happy and consensual content will maybe want to watch this one on mute. Honestly, the audio's so good I don't even want to preview it here because it'd ruin the surprise when it drops…

I'll need another week to finish it up, so expect Bad Vibes to drop around May 6.

In other news, I'm putting up a poll to choose the next short animation to go into the queue. I've got a number of poster sets ready for animation after Bad Vibes releases and I can't decide which one to do. Poll should go live today or tomorrow for $5-and-up subbers.

Thanks guys!



"But that wasn't part of our original agreement!"