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I have three new devices to show off today. I think those of you with bondage-adjacent interests will be particularly pleased!

The High Chair

At some point in early December, I came up with this idea in the middle of the night. I stayed up for hours researching, sketching, and ultimately designing it.

The way it works is pretty simple—it’s a slightly tilted chair, such that the occupant slides downward until their crotch rests on, say, a vibrator. The really fun part is a movable pane of plexiglass that swings down, forming a barrier between the occupant and the vibrator. Everything is sized so that no matter how far you stretch, you can’t quite reach to turn it off.

Originally, it wasn’t a simple strap for a Hitachi. I had a complex locking mechanism built into the bottom of the pane which would latch into a mechanical “stim” component in the chair. It was a bit much. I stripped it down to the state you see above and voilà, you can even see more of the action this way.

A pretty expansive poster set featuring the High Chair will be dropping later this week, please look forward to it! 🪑

The Portal Ring

You saw Sarah holding this peculiar item in the Xmas postcard, and many of you called it right away. It’s a portable portal!

For the record, I’m not pretending I invented this concept. These have been in BDSM art for as long as people have hated drawing hands. Personally, I like animating fingers and toes (no points for guessing that), but I’ve really wanted to do portal-sex for a long time.

I ran into interesting problems while designing it. The size and shape were important to consider. A circular ring—as you often see in art—wouldn’t fit very well, so I used cross-sections of Sarah to make sure it was proportioned to fit her perfectly.

There’s also the matter of the void in the center of the ring, which works both ways and I think looks pretty damn cool. I went through a lot of looks for it, ultimately settling on pure black. Sometimes less is more.

The final problem is actually getting it onto Sarah, in a fashion where I can comfortably animate her. I want to see her really squirm, which means I need these bad boys to stay on her like glue. I’m still working through that at the moment.

The One-Bar Prison

Of the three, this one’s the earliest in development. It’s probably the most sadistic too, so reader beware if that’s not what you’re into:

It’s a very simple contraption—a rigid dildo on the end of a pole, bolted to a platform. For those of you who aren’t familiar, here’s how it works: The dildo is raised into place, and the person being penetrated can no longer lift themselves off of it. Even with arms and legs completely unrestrained, there’s nothing they can reach to lower the rod. It’s tiring, objectifying, and incredibly frustrating for the captive…especially if getting on was *their* idea.

It’s also dangerous, so don’t try this at home! I built in safety features for the sake of my fictional characters, because honestly that's a line I don’t want to cross.

And what’s this? For the truly daring, I have a more advanced build.

I really want to make more contraptions in 2023. It’s something I’m passionate about and I’ve seemingly gotten faster at building them if my success here means anything.

Finally: a fan pointed out that I never publicly disclosed the results of the Box Redesign poll. Whoops! I’ll have a proper writeup some time after I publish the High Chair set.

That’s it for now! I hope everyone’s *strapped in* for 2023! 👀




I cant wait! ^^


V has such sights to show us.... ;p