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Hey everyone, I’d like to start by thanking you all for your continued support. This has been a quiet time while I cook up some really good stuff, and I appreciate your patience and understanding.

I have a lot of updates, so let’s get to it!

Belly of the Beast

For the last two months, I’ve been trying to finish this animation on-or-before Dec. 31. Spoiler alert: this was not possible. So, uh, let’s talk.

As I near the 70-80% mark in terms of completion, I’m thinking more and more that it’s not fit for wide release. This project was commissioned to feature a very specific kink, and I think it’s a little off the mark for what many of you are looking for. To put it simply, it’s a bit off-brand.

The solution I think is as follows: Finish it, deliver it, and tweak the story a touch to bring it more in line with VLVT-y interests. I don’t even think it’d take very long.

At the least, I’d like to offer you something interesting to chew on. I’ve probably done a hundred passes on the “finished” scenes at this point, and the difference in animation quality is pretty crazy if you look at the old output versus where it’s at now. This is a comparison showing the opening clip as it was last year versus how it looks today: Comparison (MP4)

I’ve spent a lot of time studying body movement for this. I recorded myself to make sure I’ve got the “speed” of movements looking realistic. There’s also animation for the hair and breasts, all kinds of asymmetrical quirks that are easy to miss, and so on. I’m pretty pleased!

One last note: Several of my most devoted fans ask me about this animation every time they have my ear. I love you, really, but please stop… it will be done when it’s done.


Closed, permanently. I have edited links & docs to reflect this.


As some of you may know, Fanbox has undergone a bit of an identity crisis. They’ve enacted a policy banning certain types of content from being hosted or promoted on their service.

Now… VLVT is a morally upstanding individual who would never produce and distribute that kind of filth. If you happen to see blurry preview images, altered Fan Card designs, or other such changes, they’re purely coincidental.

This has got me thinking, though, about putting a little more redundancy in place. Going forward, I'll be posting more seriously to Baraag, and I'm going to work on a gameplan to keep my content resilient.

New Contraptions

Oh boy, are you guys in for a treat. Several treats! I have *three* new devices to add to the VLVT arsenal. Two are in late development, and one is fully finished.

I will have a detailed breakdown of the new props early next week. There will also be a full poster set starring one of the new props by late next week. 20+ posters, Sherry, and a bit of a predicament. Look forward to it!

These props were Top Secret™ projects until now—by which I mean "I’m sorry $5+ subbers, I forgot to update the WIP doc…" 🙏 please forgive me.


I’m kind of amused how the internet has become a battleground between pro- and anti-AI-art supporters. The level of hate some people have for “AI Artists” is wild.

And it’s not that I don’t get it. This has been a serious cause of concern for me, personally. I think I’m in a somewhat privileged position—AI can’t make coherent animations, it’s not very good at rendering bondage that makes any sense, and so on. Still, who’s to say how capable it will be in 5 years. Or 10. Hehe, I’m in danger!

However this shakes out, I don’t think being mad at technological advancement is the answer. I’ll just keep on pushing myself to make better stuff.

All this is to say I’ve been doing a lot of experimenting with Stable Diffusion. Here are some of my more decent results, out of *over 1000 prompts*. It’s been fun, but for now I’m sticking with 3D, thank you. I’ll make a guarantee right now: VLVT’s works going forward will continue to feature characters with 5 digits on each limb.

Odds and Ends

I’ve started penning a script for a sequel to the GLaDoS audio. This one has some really choice content, and includes a new character to bring some ~youthful exuberance~ to the series.

I’ve also posed up another Gamer Girl project, but it’s pretty far from done.

Whew. That’s it for now.

Happy 2023, and I’ll see you guys on the other side!



I know it's king of old now, but any chance of seeing the results of the box poll you did earlier this year? Thanks for the updates!


I’m curious the general vibe of this profile. I love your more (bdsm) esk works. Is that a large portion of the audience? Do most enjoy content such as “the box” or your other works?


About 50% of my followers rate BDSM as a primary interest, but there's a perfect split between full consent/dubcon/and noncon. About 10% of my followers don't even really like bondage at all. I have vocal followers who like the Box specifically, but I notice counterproductive trends when I focus there exclusively. I also get kind of bored focusing on one gimmick. A good VLVT work, IMO, has a 'dubious' ending—so the viewer can decide the motivations and fate of the character in question.


I completely forgot I haven't made that public! I'll add some notes about it to the post next week. "Life in a box is better than no life at all, I expect. You'd have a chance at least. You could lie there thinking: Well, at least I'm not dead."


Any finished project is a plus, even if it doesn't fit the whole audience. Thanks for the great works!