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Hi y'all!

Here's a new short! It's about a life on a farm!🐮🍼

It's a bit extreme, so be warned!

I got inspired by SoulessBarbarian's Tales of Debauchery on HF and Trinket's tier rewards ;)

Special thanks to our new benefactor and above tiered supporters: bolsebold, naam, loyalChaos, User#Sigurd, USER#37551957, Rouzenrot, equine123, USER#047A6FCA, Shyguy_001, USER#B68FFF38, Orc Fucker, USER#57518119, USER#39164942, GaloisGun, USER#2EB1BB03, USER#6F26DFB3, RUDY, RumMonkey, BlueishPage5, N, redphenix, felkhn, renny23, jam, evo_s4, AANAMA, 柏彣 陳, hERPdERP, eroticfurher, Plato, A, J-Kangaroo, Babyboy, Cmile, TheToastyMan, inter 2001!

And thank you to all of you as always for the continuing support that made this possible!

Don't ever forget that YOU ROCK!

Here's the extra preggo part ;)

And here's the texts:

Seriously, I can't believe this silly gig... "Dairy Qutie"? What a stupid name. Why would a dairy farm even need a sexy presenter and a promotional video??

I guess a hot girl with big "udders" does seem to be related to cows and dairy products but this is ridiculous! The only upside is these people pay insanely well, and just for a one-day shoot! I guess I can put up with being around these stinking cows and the gawking farmhands.

What's next? A shot of me drinking their gross milk? Eh, fine!

Wait- This milk tastes kinda wei- I-I'm getting dizzy...


W-what's going on? Aw! My head hurts!

Everything's so foggy and my nose stings!

I-I can't move... And why am I lying on the floor? What's this metallic thing on my neck?

W-wait! Am I naked??

What are they doing? Ouch! Something pricked me!! EEK!!

What are you doing with that giant cone?? Oh no. I'm feeling dizzy again...


How long has it been? I can't tell.

It's all dark. I can't see. I can barely hear anything. through this mask!

My arms and legs are all twisted and bound up somehow. I can't move at all and that huge thing is definitely still in my ass!

Something is keeping my mouth open and something else is dangling from my tongue! What the fuck??

They keep feeding me strange liquid food through this weirdly shaped tube! FUCK!

My boobs feel so swollen and full. What the hell did they do to me?? and my crotch. It's like it's on fire and soaking wet all the time!

They are putting something on my nipples? Oh my god! Are they really milking me?

Oh crap! It's happening again! They are fucking me with something! Something long and it goes so deep every time! It helps with the needy feeling I now have constantly but WHAT THE FUCK!?? And that smell! That stinking cow smell is even stronger now!


My boobs are even bigger now. They keep milking and fucking me... And my belly is massive. At first, I couldn't believe it, but then the baby kicked. I'm pregnant! But with who? or with what?? The shitty part is, ever since my belly started to grow they don't fuck me anymore and it's driving me nuts. What the hell did they turn me into??

I don't know what's going on anymore. Yesterday they took me somewhere, milked me longer than usual, and then these bastards pierced my nipple with something! And for some reason, gave me a lot of massages afterward. Did I... win something? I don't know anymore.

Oh! The baby kicked again, and the contractions keep happening more and more... Oh no!


It finally happened! Oh god! It's coming! My baby! My baby is- Aaargh!!!! Do something, you stupid bastards!!!! AHHH!!!


I did it! I had my baby. The one these people put inside me. I can't even see or hear them but I can feel them when they suckle on my teat. Something is not right... But who cares! At least now They let me fuck again! Right? Who cares about anything else...




Open Yourself to the Milkyway!XD


Need to be this someday