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I have started translating my previous CM3D2 content and posting it on pixiv.

For those who support me (thank you so much by the way), I would like to try opening a poll for what you want to see translated next because would like to work on the ones you want to see the most.

If this poll goes well, I will consider holding a second one. If not, I will choose by my self for now.

【How to vote】

Please leave a comment listing the title or url of my CM3D2 work you want to see translated next. The one that gets the most votes will be most likely candidate. In case of a tie vote, I will decide which one to translate.

【Works to vote for】

All of the CM3D2 content should be listed in the below link. (Please let me know if any of the content is missing.)


【Voting Deadline】

August 18th, 2020 (JPN time)

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave comment for that as well.







Here's my vote :) https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/61400257 I personally like all the fusion comics.


I want to see 憑依と融合は良い文明 series first.