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Hey guys! I just wanted to thank you for your patience. I know these are normally posted farily early in the month, but as I've stated before this one is a pretty ambitious one. And you'll hopefully see soon enough why.

Everything is almost finished, I'm just waiting on one asset before we can call it done. Otherwise, I'll have it posted on the 20th or 21st. No specific time, but those are the dates I'm aiming for.

In the meantime, I have the Midna Patreon Sponsored Audio posted to PsstAudio, and will have the fourth part of Royal Pain added publicly to tide things over. Also, I put some effort into editing the first part of RP, as that's been under some much needed work now that I know what I'm doing in regards to sound effects and the like.

When will it be updated? Not sure yet, but I want to see about maybe compiling all the parts together once the last bit goes public.

But yeah, that's all for now! Keep an eye on here for the 20th to see what I've been cooking up! Take care until then!


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