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Hey guys! As we’re getting close to the end of the year, I thought it was time again to write up a State of Something and talk about the upcoming changes and other things that will be happening around here.

October Audio & Other Plans

The October audio is going to be just a hint late this month. While I have the VA for Monika selected and their voice lines in, it has less to do with the time restraints and more how ambitious I want this project to be.

If you paid attention to the original poll between Monika and Missingno, you might have noticed there was a theme to it in regards to their respective franchises (Monika has control of her game, Missingno corrupts your files and has evolved into creepypasta status) basically being aware of their media while also screwing around with it. Without spoiling too much of the intention, I want to experiment with certain things I want to do regarding it. While this is an audio thing and not a visual one, you’ll see a little bit of what I’m trying to do by the time it comes around.

Again, it should make sense when it comes out, but I hope it’s worth the wait. No planned release date is set, but just know that I’m testing some stuff out and it will definitely be released.

While I know I was going to have a poll to decide if the next project will be a one-shot or series, I think I’m just going to do one-shots for the remainder of the year. As fun as Royal Pain has been, we’re at the end of the year where Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are all rolling in atop one another, and I want to at least do another Christmas one to release later in the month like I did last time. So November is going to be a one-shot, and depending on how the Monika audio goes, it might be the basis for the holiday one. We’ll see.

After that, it’ll be 2022, and I’ll see what interest is for long-running audio like Royal Pain was. And while I said 2021 went by really fast, the end of the year still feels so distant. Weird, innit?


Sales will be introduced either tonight or tomorrow, though I’ll say now that the opening date will be on October fifth. I’m on vacation next week, so I won’t start work on anything until the following week.

This will no doubt be the last time I open up for the year, as things should be finished by the end of November. As it has been every year, post-Thanksgiving is where my full-time job will be ramping up as a result of the Christmas season, and who knows how things will be this year between the continuation of Covid/Delta and the practices of brick and mortar shopping versus online. Comms will open back up in early 2022, likely around the beginning of January.

Commission changes come 2022

So this is likely going to be a big one, and I want to make it known that this is likely going to be an annual thing for a variety of reasons. But once I open back up in 2022, prices are likely going to go up.

Just to reiterate, these changes will not take effect until 2022! The next cycle will keep to the current pricing!

It won’t be too much, with the regular price going up from $15 to $17 per 1k words. I’m trying to make a pattern of 2-3-2-3, with 2020 being an exception to everything as a result of the shape the world was in at that point in time.

Sales may go up as well, though it may not be by too much, probably up to $12 per 1k depending on what it is. The regular Character Sales may be dropped, replaced with the Priority sales instead which gives certain characters priority in regards to placement within the queue. Those, however, will likely be slightly higher in price versus the other sales.

The Franchise Sales may end up being the same as well, though I’m likely to switch things in and out as I see fit in seeing how well certain ones do. Like before, any stories that started in 2021 will be able to avoid the bump in price, any commissions under those sales will go up to their new sales price, but all stories that existed before the last change from $12 to $15 will bump up to $15.

Video projects

So as I’m sure you’ve seen here and there, I’ve been wanting to make some video reviews, particularly one on Sailor and the 7 Ballz, with another one focusing on the iceberg that is the company behind it, Media Market Group.

While I still plan on doing both of them, there’s a variety of things that have delayed it. One of those things is in getting some assets done, with the artist having been sick and me telling them to take their time with it. The other being that Saberspark has already released his own video on the subject, which I did lend a *slight* bit of help with (Check the video description, I got a shoutout there). I’m not sure how much of that was my stuff used and what was his own research, but at the very least I’m hoping it’s done a lot to help aid in the hunt for more knowledge regarding MMG and the company behind those porn parodies.

But there’s a LOT more that I know didn’t make it into the review, likely to keep it down to less than an hour. Hence why I want to make videos regarding all of that.

I definitely want to make more video content if all goes well, but first I want to see how these in particular go, especially since as a result of Saber’s video, I need to re-record the audio I had done back in July to make it a bit less outdated. Yeah, I’ve been working on this for QUITE a while.

I have to say though, in editing the S7BZ review while waiting for everything else, I’ve had a lot of fun learning the ins and outs of using Wondershare Fimora and how to do things I wouldn’t have knowledge about beforehand. Maybe I should consider offering services to some NSFW content creators?

That said, I might do something with regards to Patreon incorporation if these videos do well and continue forward. Maybe not early access like with stories and audio, but thanks in the credits are more likely.

That’s it for now! Remember that comms open on Oct. 5th! Take care until next time!


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