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First, I'm going to start off by saying that I may not open up commissions right away when the next batch goes up. It depends on how much interest there might be in this concept, and how it could work out.

Also, credit to Neme for this. While it's something I wanted to do for a long time, she was the one that gave me the nudge to at least try it.

YCH art. We know what it is, right? An image of two blank slates labeled 'Char A' and 'Char B' that allows someone to buy into the piece and let the artist draw them in. I've wanted to translate that into a story format for several years, and again, never really figured out a way to do it until Neme threw a template in my face.

Here's how it would work out. I'd post a set of templates here, exclusively to Fanbox for the first day. Example:

$x, x,000 word

Theme: Fucking in a theater (called Theatee night)

One - Two characters

Additional charges can be:

$-- - [ADD ON HERE]

Now what the additional charges would be, I'm not sure yet. Maybe a kink?

Then after being on here for 24 hours, I would post the templates onto Twitter. Most would be a simple flat fee, with one being an experimental auction-style, again just testing to see how the interest goes. After payments are received, I would start work on the stories with the characters involved.

The payment isn't quite fixed yet, though I don't think it would be a penny for word payment. But for everything else going on here, I'm welcoming any suggestions that could make this work.

What do you guys think? Would you be interested in doing something like this, even if it means commissions are pushed back just a little?

EDIT: To clarify this, the stories would NOT be pre-written with the characters inserted into the story. The intention would be to write the story around the characters involved.


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