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いつもご支援ありがとうございます!! 大変お待たせしました「サクヒナカラー版」これにて完結です。 長い期間お付き合いくださりありがとうございました。 サクヒナカラー化はじめた時は2と同時に出そうと思っていたんですが、まさかウイルの関係でこんなに長くコミケに参加できなくなるとはその時は思っていませんでした(;'∀') でも今年からは受かればまたコミケに参加して作品作れそうなので皆様の応援がある限り新作作っていこうと思っています。 これからも是非応援よろしくお願いします。 しかしモノクロの漫画を描くのが3年振りくらいなので技術がさび付いてないか心配ですよ。 その代わりフルカラーの漫画はたくさん描いたのでカラー漫画技術は少しは上がったのではないかと思います。 次の新作漫画にも是非ご期待ください!コミケ合否まであと2日! ではまた来週! Thank you for your continued support! Thank you very much for your patience. Thank you very much for your patience over the long period of time. When I started the color version of SakuHina, I was planning to publish it at the same time as the second one, but I didn't think at the time that I wouldn't be able to participate in Comiket for such a long time because of Will. However, if I am accepted this year, I will be able to participate in Comiket again and create new works, so I will continue to create new works as long as I have your support. Please continue to support me. However, it's been about three years since I drew a black-and-white manga, so I'm worried that my skills may be rusty. Instead, I have drawn many full-color cartoons, so I think my color cartooning skills have improved a little. Please look forward to my next new manga! Only two days left until the acceptance/rejection date of Comiket! See you next week!




Great work as always Looking forward to your next projects

Eun Seong Lee

Nice, hope the next work will involve pregnancy.

The Final Conduit

And with this the coloring comes to an end! Still a great manga even now! I’m hoping and praying you’ll be accepted, but I’ll still support you however I can going forward. The best of wishes and success to all your endeavors!

Roberto Treviño

Will there be a color English version of SakuHina??




Great work Sensei keep it up and hopes to you getting accepted for Comiket, i’ll be looking forward to the sequel & other projects in the future.


Great work, will you color other manga?


カラー版お疲れ様でした。 早くサクヒナ2が世に出てくることを切に願っています。


i hope you get accepted and i cant wait to see your new project, i will continue to support ;)


This desperately needs a sequel, where he returns during the Boruto time period and fucks them even rougher and longer when they're MILF's!


Congrats on finishing the full coloring and I hope you're able to be at Comiket. Also keeping my fingers crossed for a SakuHina 2


サクヒナおつかれさまでした! これからの作品も楽しみに待ってます🥰 あと当選おめでとうございます🎉




Look forward to Saku Hina 2. 2 is the two from The Last, but Sakura and Hinata as Bolt's MILFs look good too,




Thanks for the support! It's the people who support me that keep me going. Please look forward to my new work!




Thank you very much. We have decided to participate safely. Please look forward to our new manga!


We will do our best to make SAKUHINA 2 a good work as well. Pregnancy is still undecided.


Thank you. I will report back to you on the FANBOX with information on my new work!