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今月もご支援ありがとうございます!! スタートの作品は綱手とシカマルの絵の続きになります。 どうやらチョウジも参戦したようですが綱手様はこの後どうなってしまうのか・・・(;'∀') 先月前半にちょっと体調崩したせいでしばらくバタバタしていましたが絵の依頼もほとんど終わったのでようやく一息つけそうです。 ちなみに体調は良くなっていますのでご安心ください。 今月もバリバリ更新頑張りますのでよろしくお願いします! ではまた来週! Thank you for your support this month! The starting piece will be a continuation of Tsunade and Shikamaru's painting. It seems that Chouji has joined the fray, but what will happen to Tsunade-sama after that? I was a bit sick in the first half of last month, so I was a bit busy for a while, but now that most of my painting commissions are done, I can finally take a break. By the way, please be assured that my health is getting better. I will do my best to update this month as well, so thank you very much! See you next week!




Great with wuth tsuna chan


That’s Great.

The Final Conduit

There are so many ways Choji could use his powers in this situation, Tsunade is sure to have fun! He can grow to gigantic sizes and destroy her holes with his dick. Good to hear you’re okay! Best of luck in your future work, as always!


We need more Tsunade!

