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今回のご報告はラフ多めで恐縮ですが人(๑❛ᴗ❛;) 一枚目はSkebご依頼。二人のPがデレマスの横山千佳ちゃんと古賀小春ちゃんを謎アプリで変身能力を備えたウィッグと服だけにして、チンポはそのままにおのおの二人になりすまし兜合わせなど倒錯した遊びに興じる…というどちらかというと女装・男の娘寄りのリクエストです。こちらはリピートありがとうございます!です。 残りの二枚は同人新作のキャラデザ…衣装デザインのスケッチです。 メイド服と際どい水着とタイツ…好きなコスで悪魔合体出来ないものかと試行錯誤です(いつもどおり?) 次の更新ですが、今週伯父の逝去の葬式で週末出てしまいますので少々遅れると思います。あらかじめご了承くださいませ( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ ) 伯父は享年92、認知症も大きな病気もなくほぼ大往生で逝かれたので不幸感は薄いのですが喪主のいとこが大変なので儀式のサポートをしなくてはなりません(世の中サポートしたりされたりですね!)。 最近超有名漫画家の訃報がありましたが年齢にそぐわない病状で急逝してしまってはご本人以上に家族やファンが辛いので、皆様も適度な運動、食生活などくれぐれもお気をつけください!まるねこも週に2,3のダンス他を続けていますがまあまあ調子良いですよε=(๑❛ᴗ❛๑) This report is almost rough.. The first is Skeb's request. The two Producer change Chika Yokoyama and Koharu Koga of Delemas only wigs and clothes with transformation ability with a mystery app, and the cock is left as it is, and each of them plays a perverted play such as frot. It is a request for crossdresser(Otokonoko). Thank you for the repeat! The other two are new character designs for a new book ... Costume design sketches. Maid clothes, racy swimsuits and stocking ... It's a trial and error to see if I can combine with my favorite costume (as usual?) As for the next update, I think it will be a little late because I will be out on the weekend at the funeral of my uncle's demise this week. Please note (⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎) My uncle was 92 years old and died with almost no dementia or major illness, so I feel less unhappy, but my mourner's cousin has a hard time, so I have to support the ritual (we're supporting each other in life!). Recently, there was an obituary of a super famous manga artist, but if he suddenly die due to a medical condition that is not suitable for his age, his family and fans will be more painful than he, so please be careful about proper exercise and eating habits! Marneko also continues to dance a few times a week, in good shape ε = (๑❛ᴗ❛๑)



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