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いつもサポートありがとうございます!先月より**Lord Of Neko、円卓のねこにて累計12ヶ月に達した方**へささやかながら宛名入りの特別な感謝イラストをお贈りしております( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )❤︎これからも無理のない範囲でご助力頂けると幸いであります。

とき号 様



It's been a year since I started FANBOX, and two years including Ci-en! I decided to give a small thank-you illustration with your name to those who have reached a total of 12 months at Lord Of Neko, Entaku no Neko(the cat of the round table) of the supporters. I hope that you will continue to help us within a reasonable range.



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