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※The English version is also below. ※한국어판도 밑에 있어요.  朝、学館の教室にて。 「クレア、その後お加減はいかがですか?」  魔族との戦闘の後、フィリーネはしきりにクレア様の心配をしてくるようになった。  自分自身も重傷を負ったはずなのだが、自分のことはあまり頓着せずにクレア様のことばかり気に掛けている。 「ご心配ありがとうございますわ、フィリーネ様。でも、昨日も申し上げましたとおり、もう全然問題ありませんわ」  フィリーネと良好な関係を築くという目的があるため、クレア様は出来るだけ優しく応対を続けているのだが、流石にこうも毎日心配されるといい加減少し面倒そうである。 「そうは言ってもあれだけのことがあったのです。身体の傷は治っても、辛い記憶の揺り戻しがあったりするんじゃありませんか?」 「わたくしはそんなに柔ではありませんわ。むしろ次に出会ったら必ず倒してやろうとすら思いますもの」 「まあ」  などという会話が毎朝のように交わされている。  めでたく友人関係となったフィリーネだが、どうも彼女の距離の詰め方がおかしい。  なんか近い。  めっちゃ近い。  クレア様にやたらとスキンシップをしたがるフィリーネに対して、私は危機感を覚えていた。  彼女のクレア様に対する態度は、友人に対するそれを逸脱しているような気がする。  というか、どっかで見たことがある。  具体的には鏡の中で。 「あのー、フィリーネ様? 何度も言いますが、クレア様は私のものなので、あまりベタベタしないで頂けると……」 「あ……、そ、そうですね。ごめんなさい、レイ。私ったらつい……」  ついなんだというのか。  頬を染めてイヤイヤするフィリーネに私は警戒感を強める。 「レイったら大げさですわよ。フィリーネ様とわたくしは友人なのですから、これくらいは普通でしょう?」 「あ、ありがとう、クレア!」  苦笑しつつ取りなしたクレア様に対して、しょげていた尻尾を再びぶんぶんさせるフィリーネ。  ちょっとクレア様。  あなたは鈍感なラノベ主人公ですか。  好意を持たれてるの、見れば分かるでしょうに。 「フィリーネ様は皇族でいらっしゃいますよね。もう婚約者とかいらっしゃるんですか?」 「いえ、まだいませんよ」 「意外ですわね。皇女ともなれば、有力な外交カードの一枚じゃありませんの?」  その辺りのやんごとない事情については、私よりもずっと詳しいクレア様がそう言う。 「お母様は外交よりも武力で他国に訴える方ですから……」  フィリーネが悲しそうに呟いた。  確かに、ドロテーアは欲しいものは力で奪い取る女性だ。  回りくどい外交など、無駄の一言で片付けかねないようなところがある。  まあ、流石にそこまで脳筋ではないだろうが。 「ですので、私、今、相手がいないんですよ?」 「え、ええ、そうですの……」 「どうしてそこでクレア様にフリーなことをアピールするんですか」  フィリーネってば絶対クレア様に気があるでしょ。  内気設定どこ行った。  いや、私に対しては相変わらずおどおどしているんだけども。 「アピールなんてそんな……。ただ私、クレアともっと仲良くなりたいだけで……」 「今でも十分、見せつけられていますが……」 「そうですか……? やだ私ったら……」  またイヤイヤしてる。  可愛くないぞー。  可愛いけど、可愛くないぞー。 「フィリーネ様、クレア様に横恋慕してます?」 「ちょっとレイ!?」  もう面倒なので直球ドストレートで聞いてみたら、クレア様が慌てた。  や、だって見てられないんだもん。 「す、好きだなんてそんな……」  うおい、私は横恋慕って言ったんだが。  ナチュラルに意味合いを都合良く解釈しないで欲しい。  これだから天然お姫様は……。 「皇族の方が、既に相手のいる人に対してアプローチをかけるのは、外聞が良くないんじゃありません?」 「いえ、帝国は多夫多妻制ですし、特には」 「あ……」  そう言えばそうだった。  帝国はバウアーとは婚姻制度が違うのだ。  一夫一婦制ではないし、同性婚も認められている。  この辺りはレボリリというゲームの特質と関係している。 「それに、クレアとレイは法律上はまだ他人同士でしょう?」 「そ、そうですけど……」 「家格に関しても、皇族である私の方が元上級貴族であるクレアとは釣り合いが取れると思います」  あれ?  私、なんか追い詰められてない? 「フィリーネ様、それは違いますわ」  ちょっと言葉に詰まってしまった私を見かねてか、クレア様がやんわりとフィリーネをたしなめた。 「わたくしとレイは確かに法律上はまだ他人ですし、生まれ育った環境も全く違います」 「そうですよね」 「でも、わたくし悟りましたの。結婚というものは政治の道具や育ててくれた両親への恩返しというだけではなくて、わたくし個人の幸せにとってもとても重要なことだ、と」 「自分自身の……幸せ……」  フィリーネは呟くように言った。  それを見つつ、クレア様が続ける。 「政略結婚や家同士の結びつき、両親への恩返しという結婚の側面を、わたくしは否定しません。でも同時に、相手がわたくし個人にとってどれだけ大切か、ということも無視しませんわ」 「……はい」 「そういう意味で、レイはこれ以上ない相手です。法律的な裏付けなどなくとも、レイは私にとってかけがえのない伴侶ですわ。それはどうかご理解下さいな」  言い切って、クレア様はにこりと笑った。  私はと言えば、これ以上ないくらいのドヤ顔である。 「そうですか……。なるほど……」  あれだけ言えば、流石のフィリーネだって考え方を改めるだろう。  もともと倫理観は強い子だし、少し初めての親しい相手に浮かれていただけで、すぐに元の――。 「分かりました。なら私は改めてクレアの伴侶に立候補します」  はい? 「な、何を仰ってますの、フィリーネ様? わたくしの話、聞いてまして?」 「ええ、もちろん。後悔のない、かけがえのない恋を私もしようと思います」  斜め上の反応が返ってきた。  クレア様と私は思わずぽかんとしてしまう。 「クレアにとってレイがとても大切な相手ということは分かりました。私もクレアにそのように思って貰えるように、精一杯頑張ります」 「い、いえ、そういう話をしたんじゃなくてですわね?」 「大丈夫です。クレアからも教わりました。大切なのは一つ一つの積み重ねだって」 「いえ、それもそういうような話ではなくてですわね……」  クレア様がうろたえている。  フィリーネってこんな猪突猛進なところもあったのか。  さすがあのドロテーアの娘だけのことはある。 「というわけで、今日から改めてよろしくお願いしますね、クレア、レイ。私、お二人に恥じない立派な淑女になります」  鼻息も荒く、そう宣言するフィリーネ。  クレア様と私はどうしてこうなった、と顔を見合わせた。  経緯はともかく、事実はこうだ。  どうやら私には恋敵が現れたらしい。  よりによって、これから協力を仰がないといけない相手がそうなるとは。  やれやれ。  私がげんなりしていると、ユー様がやって来た。  彼女が別クラスに来るのは珍しい。 「クレア、レイ」 「あら、ユー様。どうなさったんですの?」 「バウアーから手紙が来た。悪い知らせ……なんだろうね、多分これは」  ユー様は険しい面持ちでこう言った。 「バウアー王国元宰相サーラス=リリウムが姿を消した。脱獄したらしい」 ―――――――― 今回で第十章は終了です。 第十一章公開まで、また少しお時間を頂きます。 気長にお待ち頂ければ幸いです。 ―――――――― *Translation below was made possible with the help of Angela. Thanks, Angela. 142. Love Rival It was morning time and we were in our classroom at the Imperial Academy. “Claire, how have you been feeling after all of that?’ After our battle with the demon, Philine was constantly worried about Claire-sama. Even though she was injured quite heavily herself, she paid no mind to her own condition and was only concerned about Claire-sama. “Thank you for your concern, Philine-sama. However, as I have already mentioned yesterday, I am completely fine now.” For the sake of winning Philine’s favor over and establishing a good relationship with her, Claire-sama has been dealing with her as nicely as possible; however, as one would expect, it was a bit troublesome to have somebody constantly worry about your condition every day. “Even if you say that, maybe that’s just one part of it. Although your wounds have healed completely, don’t those bad memories come back and haunt you sometimes?” “I am not that fragile. If anything, the only thing I am thinking of is how I will definitely defeat him the next time we meet.” “Well then.” That was the type of conversation they would exchange every morning. Although the two of them shared a happy friendship already, the way Philine was trying to further narrow the distance between them seemed strange. Somehow, she was trying to get close. Very close. I suddenly felt a familiar sense of danger towards Philine, who always seemed to be excited around Claire-sama and kept trying to maintain physical contact with her. It felt like her attitude towards Claire-sama deviated from regular conduct between normal friends. Or rather, it felt like I had seen something just like this before. More specifically, it was like looking into a mirror. “Ummー Philine-sama? As I’ve mentioned many times before, Claire-sama is mine, so I’d like it if you didn’t stick to her so much…....” “Ah…… y-you’re right. I’m sorry, Rei. I did it without thinking……” Did it without thinking, you say. I felt wary of Philine, whose cheeks were dyed with a color of timidity. “Rei, you are overthinking it. Philine-sama and I are friends, so isn’t this much considered normal?” “T-Thank you, Claire!” Claire-sama forced a smile as she stepped in for Philine, the latter of which looked like her tail had started wagging again. Hold on, Claire-sama. Were you a dense protagonist from a light novel or something? If you just stopped and thought about it for even a moment, you’d notice that she liked you. “Philine-sama, you’re a member of the Imperial family, aren’t you? Don’t you already have a fiance?” “No, not yet.” “That is surprising. Wouldn’t an imperial princess be considered an incredibly powerful diplomatic trump card?” Claire-sama, who was more knowledgeable about the circumstances surrounding the upper class than I was, asked. “That’s because my mother prefers to appeal to other countries by force rather than doing so diplomatically…….” Philine murmured sadly. It was true that Dorothea was the type of woman who’d take whatever she wanted by force. To her, politics were so roundabout that she could simply dismiss certain aspects of it as useless. Well, not that I would say she was that hot-headed, though. “So, that means right now, I don’t have a partner, you know?” “Y-Yes, I see……” “Why are you trying to appeal to Claire-sama by advertising that you are free?” Philine definitely felt something towards Claire-sama. Where exactly did her shyness go? No, actually, she still seemed to be quite nervous around me. “It’s not like I’m appealing to her…… I just want to be closer with Claire……” “It seems like you’re trying to show off quite a bit, though……” “Is that so……? Oh geez, what am I doing……” She was acting all timid again. That’s not cute at all. I mean, it’s kind of cute, but it’s not cute at all. “Philine-sama, do you have an illicit crush on Claire-sama?” “Wait a minute, Rei!?” I was getting a bit annoyed, so I decided to be frank and asked her about it directly, which seemed to cause Claire-sama to panic. I mean, I couldn’t bear to watch this anymore. “L-Love, you say. That’s not……” Hey, I specifically said “illicit crush”, though. I’d prefer it if you didn’t choose to conveniently interpret it as something so natural. That’s why natural-born princesses are so……. “Wouldn’t it leave a bad reputation if a member of the Imperial family was seen trying to make a move on somebody who was already taken?” “No, the Empire supports polygamy in particular.” “Ah……” Now that she mentioned it, she was right. The Empire’s marriage system was different from Bauer’s. It was not monogamous, and same-sex marriages were permitted as well. That was a special characteristic that was set in place due to the nature of RevoLily. “Moreover, aren’t Claire and Rei still considered two strangers as far as the law is concerned?” “T-That’s right……” “Besides, from a familial standpoint, I think that Claire and I are a better fit considering my status as a member of the Imperial family and hers as a former high-class noble.” Huh? Was I being driven into a corner? “That’s wrong, Philine-sama.” When she saw that I was being cornered, Claire-sama spoke up and gently admonished Philine. “It is true that Rei and I have no sort of relationship legally speaking, and that the environments we were born in were completely different.” “That’s right.” “However, I eventually came to an understanding. Marriage isn’t something that is just used as a tool for politics or a way to give back to the parents that raised us, it is also something that is very important for my own personal happiness.” “Your own personal…… happiness……” Philine-sama mumbled. Seeing that, Claire-sama continued. “It is not that I disagree with the principle of political marriages, nor do I think it is wrong to marry for the sake of repaying our parents. However, at the same time, I cannot bring myself to ignore how important my partner must be to me.” “...... Yes.” “In that sense, there is no better partner for me than Rei. Even without any legal proof, to me, Rei is my irreplaceable companion. Please understand that.” After saying her piece, Claire-sama grinned. As for me, the expression on my face could not look any more triumphant. “I see…… I understand……” That was all she said. As expected, even Philine would start reconsidering things after hearing something like that. From the beginning, she was somebody who had strong moral character, and she was probably just excited about making her first close friend, so she was probably just going to go back to―― “I understand. In that case, I’d like to announce my candidacy once again for becoming Claire’s partner.” Come again? “W-What are you saying, Philine-sama? Were you not listening to what I just said?” “Yes, of course I was. I was just thinking that I would also like to give you a love that is irreplaceable without leaving any regrets.” Her response came out of left field. Claire-sama and I were completely flabbergasted. “I understand that Rei is an incredibly important partner to Claire. I will do my very best so that Claire will think of me that way as well.” “N-No, that was not what we were talking about though?” “Don’t worry. This is something that I learned from Claire. It’s important to accomplish things little by little.” “No, that is also completely unrelated to what we were talking about……” Claire-sama was a bit flustered. Did Philine always have such a reckless side to her? Well, Philine was the daughter of someone like Dorothea, after all. “In any case, let me say again that I am looking forward to being with you two from now on, Claire, Rei. I will work to become a respectable lady worthy of you both.” Philine made a haughty proclamation. Claire-sama wore an expression that looked like she wanted to ask how things turned out this way. Regardless of how it happened, here were the facts. It seemed that I now had a love rival. And of all people, it was somebody who we absolutely needed to rely on for her cooperation. Good grief. Right as I was feeling completely worn out, Yuu-sama came in. Since she was in a different classroom, it was rare for her to visit ours. “Claire, Rei.” “Oh, Yuu-sama. What’s the matter?” “I received a letter from Bauer. This is probably…… going to sound like bad news.” Yuu-sama said this with a grim look on her face: “Bauer’s former Prime Minister, Salas Lilium, has disappeared. It seems that he has escaped from prison.” ―――――― This marks the end of chapter ten. Please wait a little bit longer for the release of chapter eleven. Your patience is greatly appreciated. ―――――― *아래의 번역은 "와타오시 번역"의 협력으로 실현되었습니다.고마워요, "와타오시 번역" 142. 연적 아침, 국학관 교실에서. “클레어, 그 후로 몸은 좀 어떠세요?” 마족과의 전투 이후로 필리네는 끊임없이 클레어 님을 염려해주고 있었다. 자신도 중상을 입었을 게 분명한데도 자기 몸은 거의 아랑곳 하지 않은 채로 그저 클레어 님만 신경쓰고 있다. “걱정해 줘서 고마워요, 필리네 님. 하지만 어제도 말씀드렸듯이 이제는 아무런 문제도 없어요.” 필리네와 양호한 관계를 구축하려는 목적이 있기 때문에 클레어 님은 되도록 상냥하게 대응을 이어가고 있었지만 역시나 이렇게 매일같이 걱정을 받고 있자면 슬슬 조금 귀찮아 보인다. “말은 그렇게 해도 그 정도로 큰 일이 있었는 걸요. 몸의 상처는 낫더라도 아픈 기억이 자꾸 떠오른다든가 하지는 않나요?” “저는 그렇게 약하지 않아요. 오히려 다음에 또 만난다면 반드시 쓰러트리겠다고 다짐할 정도인 걸요.” “어머나.” 그런 대화를 매일 아침마다 나누고 있었다. 필리네와 친구관계가 된 건 축하할 일이지만 아무래도 그녀는 거리를 좁히는 방법이 조금 이상하다. 뭔가 가깝다. 엄청나게 가깝다. 걸핏하면 클레어 님과 스킨십을 하고 싶어 하는 필리네를 향해서 나는 위기감을 느끼고 있었다. 클레어 님을 향한 그녀의 태도는 친구를 대하는 태도를 한참 벗어나 있는 것 같다. 아니 정확히는 이미 어디서 본 기억이 있다. 구체적으로는 거울을 볼 때마다. “저기— 필리네 님? 몇 번이나 말씀드렸지만 클레어 님은 제 거니까 너무 들러붙지 말아주셨으면…….” “아…… 그, 그러네요. 미안해요, 레이. 참 저도 모르게…….” 뭐가 저도 모르게인 건데. 뺨을 붉히면서 몸을 배배꼬는 필리네를 보며 나는 경계심을 한층 더 끌어올렸다. “레이도 너무 호들갑이에요. 필리네 님과 저는 친구니까 이 정도야 평범하잖아요?” “고, 고마워요, 클레어!” 쓴웃음을 지으면서 중재하는 클레어 님을 향해 풀이 죽어서 축 늘어져 있던 꼬리를 다시금 신나게 흔들기 시작한 필리네. 잠깐만요, 클레어 님. 당신은 둔감한 라이트 노벨 주인공입니까. 누가 봐도 호의를 품고 있다는 게 딱 보이잖아요. “필리네 님은 황족이시잖아요. 벌써 약혼자분도 계시나요?” “아뇨, 아직 없어요.” “그건 의외네요. 황녀라고 하면 유력한 외교 카드인거 아닌가요?” 그런 지체 높은 분들의 사정에 대해서는 나보다 훨씬 잘 알고 있는 클레어 님이 말했다. “어머님은 타국에 외교보다도 무력으로 호소하는 분이니까요…….” 필리네가 슬픈 듯이 말했다. 분명 도로테아는 원하는 것은 힘으로 빼앗는 여성이다. 에두르는 외교 같은 건 쓸데없다는 한마디로 정리해 버릴 거 같은 느낌이다. 뭐, 아무리 그래도 그 정도로 근육 뇌는 아니겠지만. “그래서 말이죠, 저, 지금, 파트너가 없는데요?” “네, 네에, 그렇군요…….” “어째서 이 타이밍에서 클레어 님한테 프리하다는 걸 어필하는 건데요.” 필리네는 100프로 클레어 님한테 마음이 있는 거겠지. 소심하다는 설정 어디갔어. 아니 뭐, 나를 상대로는 여전히 머뭇거리고 있기는 하지만. “어필이라니, 그런……. 그저 저는 클레어와 좀 더 사이좋아지고 싶을 뿐이라…….” “지금도 충분히 대놓고 보라는 듯이 그러고 있는데요…….” “그런가요……? 어머나 나도 참…….” 또 다시 몸을 배배꼬고 있다. 귀엽지 않다고~ 귀엽기는 한데, 귀엽지 않다고~ “필리네 님, 이미 임자 있는 사람을 연모하는 건가요?” “잠깐만요 레이?!” 이제 다 귀찮아져서 꽉찬 돌직구로 물어봤더니 클레어 님이 당황했다. 아니, 그치만 더 이상 눈뜨고 볼 수가 없는 걸. “조, 좋아한다니 그런…….” 어이~ 이미 임자가 있다고 말했잖아. 자연스럽게 단어의 의미를 자기 입맛대로 해석하지 말아줬으면 좋겠다. 이러니까 천연 그 자체인 공주님은……. “황족 분이 이미 짝이 있는 사람에게 어프로치를 건다는 건 겉보기에 좋지 않은 거 같은데요?” “아뇨, 제국은 다부다처제니까, 딱히.” “아…….” 그러고 보니까 그랬다. 제국은 바우어와 혼인제도가 다르다. 일부일처제도 아닌데다 동성혼도 인정하고 있다. 그 점은 레보릴리라는 게임의 특성과 관련이 있다. “거기다 클레어와 레이는 법률상으로는 아직 남남이죠?” “그, 그렇긴 한데…….” “가문의 이름값을 따져도 황족인 제가 이전에는 상급 귀족이었던 클레어와 잘 맞을 거라고 생각해요.” 어라? 나 어쩐지 밀리고 있지 않아? “필리네 님, 그건 틀려요.” 조금 할 말이 궁해진 나를 두고볼 수 없었던 건지 클레어 님이 부드럽게 필리네를 타일렀다. “저와 레이는 분명 법률상으로는 아직 타인이고 나고 자란 환경도 완전히 달라요.” “그렇죠.” “하지만 저는 깨달았어요. 결혼이라는 건 정치의 도구나 저를 길러준 부모님을 향한 보은을 위한 것만이 아니라는 걸. 저 개인의 행복에 있어서도 정말로 중요한 일이라는 걸.” “자기 자신의…… 행복…….” 필리네는 조용히 읊조리듯 말했다. 그 모습을 바라보면서 클레어 님이 말을 이었다. “정략결혼이나 가문간의 결속, 부모님을 향한 보은이라는 측면을 부정하지 않아요. 하지만 그와 동시에 상대가 저에게 있어서 얼마나 소중한지도 무시할 수 없어요.” “……네.” “그런 의미에서 레이는 더 이상 없을 상대예요. 법률적인 배경이 없다고 해도 레이는 저에게 있어서 더할 나위 없는 최고의 반려에요. 그 점은 부디 이해해주세요.” 딱 잘라 말하면서 클레어 님은 빙긋 웃었다. 나는 어떠냐면, 이 이상 없을 정도로 엣헴, 하고 뽐내고 있었다. “그런가요……. 과연 그렇군요…….” 이 정도로 확실하게 말해놓으면 아무리 필리네라도 생각을 고쳐먹겠지. 애초에 윤리관이 강한 아이기도 하고, 처음으로 친해진 상대에게 들뜬 마음을 품었을 뿐이지 금방 원래대로——. “잘 알겠어요. 그렇다면 저는 다시금 클레어의 반려로 입후보하겠어요.” 네? “무, 무슨 말씀을 하시는 건가요, 필리네 님? 방금 제 얘기를 들으셨나요?” “네에, 물론. 저도 후회 없는, 무엇과도 바꿀 수 없는 사랑을 하겠어요.” 상상도 못한 반응이었다. 클레어 님도 나도, 저도 모르게 입을 딱 벌리고 말았다. “클레어에게 있어서 레이가 정말로 소중한 상대라는 건 잘 알았어요. 저도 클레어에게 그런 사람이 될 수 있도록 있는 힘껏 노력하겠어요.” “아, 아뇨, 그런 이야기를 하고 싶은 게 아니라 말이죠?” “괜찮아요. 클레어한테서 배웠어요. 중요한건 한 가지씩 쌓아나가는 거라고.” “아니, 그 얘기도 이럴 때 쓰는 얘기가 아니고요…….” 클레어 님이 허둥지둥하고 있었다. 필리네는 이렇게나 저돌맹진하는 부분도 있었던 건가. 역시나 그 도로테아의 딸이다. “그렇게 됐으니 오늘부터 다시 한 번 잘 부탁드릴게요, 클레어, 레이. 저는 두 분에게 부끄럽지 않은 훌륭한 숙녀가 되겠어요.” 콧김을 빵빵하게 내뿜으면서 그렇게 선언하는 필리네. 클레어 님과 나는 어째서 이렇게 된 걸까, 하고 얼굴을 마주보았다. 과정은 어찌됐든, 현실이 이렇다. 아무래도 나한테 연적이 출현한 모양이다. 거기에다 하필 앞으로 협력을 구해야 하는 상대가 연적이 될 줄이야. 이런 이런. 내가 몰려오는 피로감에 진저리를 치고 있을 때, 유 님이 다가왔다. 그녀가 다른 반에 찾아오는 건 드문 일이다. “클레어, 레이.” “어머, 유 님. 어쩐 일이세요?” “바우어에서 편지가 왔어. 나쁜 소식…… 이라고 해야겠지, 아마도 이건.” 유 님은 험악한 얼굴로 이렇게 말했다. “바우어 왕국 전 재상, 사라스 릴리움이 모습을 감췄다. 탈옥했다는 모양이야.” ―――――――― 이번으로 제10장은 종료입니다. 제11장 공개까지, 또 조금 시간이 걸립니다. 오래 기다려 주시면 감사하겠습니다.



I was honestly taken aback by how Philine was refusing to back down but I honestly hope Claire doesn't start to develop some sort of feelings that cause romantic drama Either way good chapter and now I'm mad about the wait


They say Love is War. Philine is surprisingly persistent now.


レイの感想が色々面白いし、好きな人についてだけ猪突猛進になるフィリーネもかわいいし、と思っていたら、まさかのサーラス脱獄。 これってかなりまずいのでは……。 誰かが手引したのかどうかも、気になります。




I heard from my friend living overseas that triangle relationships are not popular in English-speaking countries. If that's the case with you, it's natural to worry so. I can't tell you how it will turn out at this point, but I hope that you will read the story to the end.


楽しんで頂けたようで嬉しいです。 最後に爆弾を仕掛けるのは基本かなあと思いましたw 手引きやその辺りのことは、次章で扱う予定です。 ぜひ楽しみにしていて下さい。


ありがとうございます! フィリーネはレイとは違った意味でアレな人ですw 第十一章の公開はまた少しお待ち頂くことになりますが、楽しみにして頂ければ幸いです。


I don't plan too I only stop reading stories if they are not going anywhere, if the MC is too unlikable, etc. luckily I don't see that being a problem anytime soon as I predict no matter what happens Claire and Rei will still love each other the story is pretty engaging and Rei is a very lovable and very relatable character