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※한국어판도 밑에 있어요.(기계 번역해서 미안해요)















本日も日本時間のAM9:00からYoutube Liveをしたいと考えております。

いつものFree Talkですので、お気軽に遊びに来て頂ければ幸いです。






Hi, This is Inori.

I'd like to report this week.

The first chapter of "She's so Cheeky for a Commoner!" (or "SSCC" for short) has been released this week on the 18th.

I will be releasing one episode a day until the 29th, for a total of 12 episodes.

I hope you enjoy the story of the girls as seen from Claire's point of view.

This time, there will also be a batch release.

If you have registered for the 500 yen or more plan, you can view all 12 episodes at once without having to wait.

Please take advantage of it if you like.

The draft of "SSCC" is currently up to chapter 3.

The reason why I'm writing it to some extent ahead is so that when I want to put foreshadowing in the previous part, I can do so.

Please wait a little longer for the release.

The nomination voting for the "Next Comics Award" has ended.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the voting.

We are still not sure if we will be officially nominated or not, but if we are, we would appreciate it if you could help us out with the voting for the main event as well.

I would like to do another Youtube Live today from 9:00 AM Japan time.

It will be the usual Free Talk, so please feel free to come and join me.

This time, I'd like to set a talk theme as a trial.

How about "About Ray and Claire" as the theme?

Of course, you are welcome to talk about anything other than the theme, so let's talk freely without getting too caught up in the theme.

That's all.

Thank you for your support this week.

안녕하세요, 이노리입니다.

이번 주에 보고를 드리겠습니다.

이번 주 18일부터, 「평민 주제에 건방지군요!」(줄여서 「쿠세니나」) 제1장의 선행 공개가 시작되고 있습니다.

29일까지 하루에 1회씩 총 12회를 공개할 예정입니다

클레어의 관점에서 본 그녀들의 이야기를 부디 즐겨 주셨으면 합니다.

500엔 이상 상품에 등록되어 있는 분은, 기다리시는 일 없이 단번에 전 12화를 보실 수 있습니다.

괜찮다면 이용해 주세요.

「쿠세니나」의 초안은, 현재 제3 장까지의 분이 다 썼습니다.

어느 정도 앞까지 쓰고 있는 것은, 여기 복선을 앞부분에 설치하고 싶다고 생각했을 때, 그것이 가능하도록 하기 위해서입니다.

공개는 조금만 더 기다려주시기 바랍니다.

'다음에 오는 만화대상' 후보 투표가 종료되었습니다.

투표에 협조해 주신 여러분, 고맙습니다.

정식으로 노미네이트 해 줄 수 있을지 어떨지는 아직 모릅니다만, 만약 그렇게 되면, 본선의 투표도 협력해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

오늘도 일본시간 AM9:00부터 Youtube Live를 하려고 합니다.

항상 입던 Free Talk이니 부담없이 놀러와 주시면 감사하겠습니다.


주제는 레이와 클레어에 대하여가 어떨까요?

물론 주제 이외의 이야기·코멘트도 환영이니까 주제에 집착하지 않고 자유롭게 이야기합시다.

보고는 이상입니다.

이번주도 많은 지원 고마웠습니다.



I hope you get nominated for how awesome this series is!!! 🤞☺️🤞


SSCC is really great! I love it! I really like the foreshadowing even from IFTV, although I only realize them when the future event happens 😂 I really hope IFTV gets nominated. If it does, we'll be sure to vote for it! Setting a topic or theme for the YouTube live is good! We usually just ask sensei anything and there can be many topics in one time. So setting a theme for the live would give everyone a specific topic to stick to. But sensei can ask us questions during the live too~ We're always asking sensei so many questions so it's only fair that sensei does the same. I'm sure we won't mind answering sensei's questions (*'▽'*)♪


I was wondering if there will only be 12 chapters in total (I have already read them and they are beautiful) or will you still get more from Clair's perspective.


The 12 parts you see available right now are actually all parts of Chapter 1, so there's definitely more coming! Inori-sensei also said this in her update, but she's written a draft for Chapter 3 and is currently revising Chapter 2. After she finishes the revisions, it'll take some time after that to do the translation so you'll be waiting for a while... but please look forward to it!


Oh perfect, we look forward to new updates, I love the story from Claire's point of view.


Ohh I’m looking forward to have Claire’s point of view as physical book! That must be very treasure. Thank you for composing such a delicate work Inori-sensei ❤️